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Herkimer county imagemate

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Herkimer county imagemate


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As of the census, it had a population of 7, people. The village is named after the Herkimers, Palatine German immigrants who settled in this area in The most notable one was Nicholas Herkimer, a general of the Tryon County militia, who died from wounds received at the Battle of Oriskany in the American Revolutionary War. The village is located within the Town of Herkimer, and together they are referred to as "The Herkimers". In fact, the citizens of the village are served by three political entities of the same name: the village of Herkimer, the town of Herkimer and the county of Herkimer. The village is the county seat for the county of Herkimer.

Herkimer county imagemate

Herkimer County is a county in the U. As of the census , the population was 60, It is named after General Nicholas Herkimer , [4] who died from battle wounds in after taking part in the Battle of Oriskany during the Revolutionary War. In , Herkimer County was created as one of three counties split off from Montgomery the other two being Otsego and Tioga counties as New York State was developed after the American Revolutionary War.

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