heathkit ta-28

Heathkit ta-28

Swapping that 2K7 for a 5K heathkit ta-28 would probably make a useful fuzz control. Now this really got me interested. But my desk is full

Post by pinkjimiphoton » 08 Sep , Post by roseblood11 » 08 Sep , Post by LucifersTrip » 08 Sep , Post by kaycee » 09 Sep , Post by pinkjimiphoton » 09 Sep ,

Heathkit ta-28


Your input is greatly appreciated! Post by pinkjimiphoton » 17 Sepscrew it, i can't get this page to embed the damn heathkit ta-28


Swapping that 2K7 for a 5K pot would probably make a useful fuzz control. Now this really got me interested. But my desk is full Jimiphoton's video on DIY forum is pretty great, so I might have to try this one day. No diodes involved at all dropping the voltage from 9v to 1. It's voltage divider, that drops it from 9V to 1,5V. Don't know what it does to the current consumption though. I plan on using your layouts to make these. I wanted to ask you about the schottky diode in the power supply, since there is no specifications for it. Is there a specific type i should choose for the job?

Heathkit ta-28

Hundreds of other files have been kindly contributed over the years too. Many of the files here are just schematic diagrams but some include additional information such as specifications, and a few are complete manuals. Click a row in the table below to download the file. You may download up to 10 different files in a 15 minute period. If you have anything to add please email paul at vintage-radio dot info. Service Bulletins and Modifications.

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Gonna have to rejig it now to get the link in the right place. Post by LucifersTrip » 17 Sep , remove the "s" from https. Killer Fuzz. Post by pinkjimiphoton » 24 Feb , these are really good fuzzes, they kinda remind me of a percolator in some respects tonally. I LOVE this pedal! Using schottky's instead for D1 to D3 would affect the final voltage. If this is the fuzz that was mounted on the Hofner Ambassador guitar than you can hear it on the riffs played all over the first 3 albums by Grand Funk Railroad. Post by johnk » 22 Feb , here's quick clip of it with a p bass thru my amp:. Post by kaycee » 09 Sep , Post by ljn » 25 Feb , It's definitely on my list of fuzz circuits that I want to build. Post by pinkjimiphoton » 08 Sep , Swapping that 2K7 for a 5K pot would probably make a useful fuzz control.

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Erik 10 October at Post by pinkjimiphoton » 24 Feb , Swapping that 2K7 for a 5K pot would probably make a useful fuzz control. Post by pinkjimiphoton » 14 Sep , yah, it was a kit. Hint: Check the 8K2 and the link involved with it. Anyone ever hear of Hallibur? I don't mind a bit less output on a fuzz. I don't use specific transistors in mine, just sort through and tune to ear, the tone control although crude works quite well. Doron Barness 8 October at Post by pinkjimiphoton » 17 Sep , Have no idea where those got to. Better to test them first I suppose with a 9V battery and measure the output before installing. Post by kaycee » 09 Sep , Post by ljn » 25 Feb ,

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