

Aight, homies, so one person wanted me to drop the secret on how I power-write character headcanons in like headcanons than three hours thanks, headcanons, seajellyx.

He uses this to their utmost advantage and it results in chaos every time. When Jessie and Delia aren't cuddling, they usually sleep like this. Jessie's used to sleeping small and sharing space with other people squishing on tiny beds or park benches with James and Meowth so she drifts to the edge of the bed and curls up. Delia on the other hand hasn't shared a bed with anyone in years and takes up a lot of space and is a cover hog good thing Jessie handles being cold well. Delia's love language is physical touch so she tends to follow Jessie wherever she is on the bed just so she can feel her there. This usually leads to Delia having way too much room on her side.


So, I was reading over some question things for characters and headcanons and thought of putting my own one together this is by no means an extensive list, just a few ideas I had to waste time with later. I love everything you've written for Seraphina Picquery and Cat Grant!!!!!!!! Hi, sorry I never replied to this until now. Hi i was wondering if you could do a imagine of Julien deport izombie where my chacter the sister of mayjor are in a relationship please and thank you. I hope you can find someone able to write this for you though. Thank youu! Slightly nerve inducing? Matthew looked as dashing as ever, a small smile pulling at his lips as the two of you finally stopped outside your house. Nervously, you fiddled with the cuff of your coat, attention on the pavement between your feet. No previous date had ever made you feel like this, and nerves for that expectation were the thing holding you back right now. Carefully, he placed a finger beneath your chin and guided your attention to him. You nodded, your insides squirming and a little voice telling you just to do it. Urging you not to chicken out with a quick peck on the cheek before you hurried inside.

The One Who Shone. Time Limits: Once you have the headcanons written down, you can expand on them, headcanons. He watched you literally jump and scream, clearly not realizing a storm was about to happen.

Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. Headcanon may be upgraded to canon if it is incorporated into the program or story's universe. In my headcanon, John and Mary bicker like siblings when they're around each other They just seem like they're brother and sister to me! Used by many Hetalia fags to describe something that hasn't yet happened in original canon but has happened in their head. Their own personal canon. My headcanon says that Momma America was Native American actually.

Shows need to take risks to stay relevant and keep the curveballs coming, but this can sometimes result in truly horrible storylines that make no sense for the characters in question — and yet there is a way to make it all right. Headcanons essentially exist to fill the plot holes or provide satisfying alternatives to the botched story arcs. For instance, Modern Family broke up Haley and Andy , only to bring Haley and her dim-witted high school boyfriend Dylan back together. However, it is largely accepted that Haley realized her mistake, divorced Dylan, and won Andy back somewhere down the line off-screen. TV series are likely to fall into the trap of their own creation when they want to introduce a bold storyline to spice things up, but it ends up being poorly executed, out-of-character, or just plain wrong in the broader perspective. Some shows become too popular for their own good , lasting longer than expected and not being able to properly send off their characters.


As books and movies are made into sequels and franchises, it can be fun to keep track of how characters grow and change, how their timelines intersect, who is related to whom, and all that. For all that is explained in a book or on a screen, there is often the urge to imagine aspects of beloved characters beyond what is seen or read. As part of this kind of intense fandom, one learns the distinction between what is canon and what is headcanon. Just try to keep it down. The show's on.

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Expand: Go hog wild and just type them out now. So to make it clear: yes , JKR's tweets are a form of Holocaust denial. On another note: Tumblr only allows 30 tags in total and only the first 20 count. I also saw you take requests right now! Other canons expressly forbade clergymen to party, frequent taverns and inns, and play dice medieval people loved games of chance. Even though James and Lily were married, some fans suspected that Harry's biology was not that simple. Aight, homies, so one person wanted me to drop the secret on how I power-write character headcanons in like less than three hours thanks, seajellyx. An idea, belief, or aspect of a story that is not mentioned in the media itself, but is accepted by either the media consumer themselves or the fandom in general. But the two of you were kindred spirits in a way. Also, love the way she can think on her feet and improvise ways of getting out of difficult situations. Funniest thing ever. I will protect him at all costs. I like how earnest and plain-speaking she is. See All.

Headcanon is an idea, belief or aspect of a character's personality or physicality that is present in a piece of fanwork that does not correspond with information present in the canonical material.

Please let me know if I have translated anything wrong. Words We're Watching talks about words we are increasingly seeing in use but that have not yet met our criteria for entry. Sadly this happened and to say that everyone was in the dorm was suffering was an understatement. Matthew, however, merely pressed another quick kiss to your lips. You had no idea what illness you had fallen to. So in light of my physical health declining the past month or so, I decided to just begin writing this. No, of course not, and I love that about it. Keep reading. Y'all I just saw a fic with the dorm leaders being called the f-slur by the reader here on tumblr…. I think I would've liked if Event happened instead of Event. Missing Letter A crossword with a twist Play.

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