Harvest moon celia
In order to marry Celia, you need to get her up to 4 red hearts and then propose to her using the blue feather. To make things simple, I've created a system called 'points' to tell how many red hearts Celia will have, harvest moon celia. There are 2 main nyko to increase your points: Give her a flower or other item she likes or activate and harvest moon celia answer a heart event, which gives you 1 point each.
Celia is a young woman living on Vesta 's farm and working there as hired help. She is a very kind and cheerful woman, and hardworking despite her fragile health. She is closest to the more assertive Vesta , even referring to her as "Aunt Vesta" at times. Vesta's brother, Marlin , is very protective of her. As the game progresses, it is implied that she begins to discover more independence and willpower of her own. Celia's diary can be found in her room, under her mattress on the second floor of the farmhouse. Befriending her, Marlin , and Vesta will influence your child to become a farmer.
Harvest moon celia
Celia seems to be the youngest of the girls. Her health is rather fragile, but most of the time she's a very bright and chipper young woman. However, she does have certain problems She is already engaged and is the only girl who has a possesive parent-like figure dominating over her. This person will cause some problems during your courtship, so beware. She'll Tell you to be silent, and you'll get the option to move or not. Don't move option 1. She will then say how it seems like everything in nature is relaxing right now Agree with her option 1 or she'll think you're crazy. And who was that who was talking to my plants just a little while ago? Marlin has decided that he's not going to let you go anywhere with her. Her reminds Celia that she needs to go shopping today. Celia suddenly remembers that Vesta had told her to do that, so she apologizes to you and says she really needs to get going. Offer to go with her option 2.
Note: I have also gotten this scene without Celia being at one red heart, so it's kind of random. Celia must have a purple heart or more, harvest moon celia, and you have seen the black heart event. Currently gaming: Harvestella I've been playing HM since and a member of this board since
Privacy Terms. Skip to content. Quick links. So yeah, main question, are they a good couple or all wrong for each other? I find them so sweet together. But if you marry someone else you can get events later in the game where is seems as though Marlin isn't so into Celia anymore.
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Harvest moon celia
A Wonderful Life features new characters and bachelorettes, as well as an entirely new town. An updated version called Oh! While very similar to the original version of A Wonderful Life , some extra items and events were added in addition to an updated soundtrack. The most notable changes were the ability to have a daughter and marry Lumina, a character players could not marry in A Wonderful Life. It contained the improvements from the Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition remake, updated graphics, ability to play as a male, female, or non-binary character, villager name changes and character design, a new male marriage candidate named Gordy originally Cody , ability to marry any of the marriage candidates regardless of gender of the player character, new quality of life improvements, and minor gameplay changes. True to its name, this is the first Harvest Moon game that progresses through the main character 's entire adult life, from young adulthood to old age. However, numerous years are skipped as the game is progressed.
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After seeing the previous events and after having Celia at the max of four hearts, leave your house during the early morning hours. Beginning in Chapter 3, she spends more time outdoors again, but restricts herself to Vesta's and the player's farms. They're one of my favorite rival couples. Celia is getting a check-up with Dr. She gets straight to the point, saying that Vesta's setting her up with an arranged marriage. Celia must be alone inside of Vesta's home. This article is about Celia, a character from A Wonderful Life. Exit your house some time after 6AM. Still embarrassed by the conversation, she leaves blushing. So that gets in the way every once in awhile, when I decide to marry one of them. Realizing she's flustered because you walked into the room, Hardy asks if you have a girlfriend. Tell her that it's alright to tell you. Well, she seems to be talking to the plants that live on your farm for some reason or other.
This shy girl loves all kinds of animals and knows plenty about crops and farming. Celia also sells seeds to the player during the first year and continues to if the player does not choose to marry her. If Celia remains single past the first year, she becomes noticeably more irritable and man-hating.
Updated 8 years ago by The00berNoober. I guess you learn a few things by being married. While walking to the Goddess Pond, Celia will approach you. She will then explain to you how she thinks that she gets strength from everything that they grow at the farm. A Big Problem 4 hearts in diary Try to enter the house at the produce farm at a time when Celia is inside. Celia seems to be the youngest of the girls. In my opinion it doesn't make them seem happy. Want to Help? I used to have them as my top pairing. You go up to the spring and look around, but Celia is not there. Currently gaming: Harvestella I've been playing HM since and a member of this board since
In it something is also idea excellent, agree with you.
Rather valuable message
You could not be mistaken?