harry potter characters slytherin

Harry potter characters slytherin

Besides Gryffindor, Harry potter characters slytherin is the most commonly seen and mentioned Hogwarts house in the Harry Potter franchise — and though Slytherin is known for "bad" wizards, not all Slytherin traits are bad. Hogwarts house founder Salazar Slytherin was responsible for selecting the traits that contribute to those chosen for Slytherin house.

In the world of Harry Potter , Slytherin House has produced some of the most complex and fascinating characters in the series. Often misunderstood and labeled as the villains, Slytherin characters represent a wide array of personalities and destinies. They're not just about dark arts and rivalry; there's a lot more beneath the surface for those willing to take a closer look. From the ambitious to the downright misunderstood, Harry Potter characters in Slytherin have left an indelible mark on fans worldwide. They show us that bravery comes in many forms and that even those who walk the darker paths have stories worth telling. This post pays homage to the Slytherins who've intrigued us, challenged our perceptions, and, in some cases, stolen our hearts.

Harry potter characters slytherin

Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. This Hogwarts House was founded by Salazar Slytherin and exemplifies ambition, cunning and resourcefulness. Its colour is green and silver, its animal is the serpent, its ghost is the Bloody Baron, its Head of House is Horace Slughorn replaced by Severus Snape between his retirement and return and it is associated with the element of water. Slytherins have a — not always fair — reputation for being underhanded bigots, and their house has the reputation of producing more dark wizards than any other house. General Adaptational Heroism : Some of the background Slytherin students in the film adaptations are neutral while the ones in Hogwarts Legacy are very friendly and hospitable to the main player character. The latter is justified due to the game being set long before Voldemort's negative influence. Alpha Bitch : Produces bitchy clique leaders like Gryffindor makes heroes. Always Chaotic Evil : Played dead straight for the first five books. Every Slytherin student we see is at least implied to be an elitist, bullying creep concerned with blood supremacy. The password into their common room in Book Two is even "Pureblood. Rowling introduced the character of Professor Slughorn — and even he shows some mildly anti-Muggleborn tendencies. The only other comparatively good Slytherins are bit characters that barely show up in-story. Regulus Black, Sirius's brother, was originally a Death Eater that got the heck out of Dodge once he realized just how evil Voldemort really was and subsequently stole and attempted to destroy one of Voldemort's Horcruxes , but he's long dead by the time the story begins. Andromeda Tonks is a genuinely good person who married a Muggle-born wizard despite being a member of the Noble House of Black, causing her to be disowned and burnt off the Black family tree — and she gets exactly one brief scene in the last book before being mostly forgotten about, her house being All There in the Manual.

He presumably remained at Hogwarts where he likely was treated better than most others as he was a pure-blood and the son of a Death Eater. They were also able to cast the difficult Disillusionment Charm well enough to hide from the trio.

Out of the four Hogwarts houses in Harry Potter , Slytherin has a reputation for being the "evil" house, but there are some good Slytherin wizards. Each house boasts different admirable traits for its students, such as Gryffindor favoring the brave, but what Salazar Slytherin chose for his house was ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness. With the upcoming Harry Potter television series, there are new opportunities to explore some of the good Slytherin wizards and their stories. Unfortunately, Salazar Slytherin was a prejudiced figure. It's worth noting that when Hogwarts was founded, muggles and wizards didn't have the best relations, often resulting in violence.

In the world of Harry Potter , Slytherin House has produced some of the most complex and fascinating characters in the series. Often misunderstood and labeled as the villains, Slytherin characters represent a wide array of personalities and destinies. They're not just about dark arts and rivalry; there's a lot more beneath the surface for those willing to take a closer look. From the ambitious to the downright misunderstood, Harry Potter characters in Slytherin have left an indelible mark on fans worldwide. They show us that bravery comes in many forms and that even those who walk the darker paths have stories worth telling. This post pays homage to the Slytherins who've intrigued us, challenged our perceptions, and, in some cases, stolen our hearts. Whether they're battling inner demons or playing the role of unsung heroes, these characters embody the complex nature of human morality and the fine line between ambition and hubris. So, grab your wand, and let's venture into the green and silver corridors to celebrate the Slytherins who've added depth and drama to the magical world of Harry Potter. Join over voters in ranking the famous Slytherin characters below.

Harry potter characters slytherin

Many misjudge Slytherin characters as being only manipulative, sneaky, and cruel. However, they are highly intelligent, ambitious, clever individuals and tend to surprise you when they occasionally do the right thing. While Slytherin House produced the Darkest wizard of all time, other Slytherins made essential contributions to the wizarding world. In this article, you will learn about some of the most famous and notable witches and wizards to come from Slytherin. However, she was cut off from the family when she decided to marry a muggle, Ted Tonks. Andromeda gave birth to her daughter Nymphadora Tonks.

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Summary Slytherin traits, such as ambition and cunning, can be positive when used in moderation and for good purposes. Salazar had unjust notions of how the Wizarding World should look, and he was unfairly prejudiced against Muggles and Muggle-born witches and wizards, but still, he shaped Hogwarts into what it would become. Everyone Has Standards : In the film version of Order of the Phoenix , a few Slytherin students can be seen cheering the Weasley twins after they wreck Umbridge's classroom, implying that even they don't like her. Fear of Voldemort and a risk of failing could have played a factor. Foil : He's about as far removed from his father as you can get. Many Slytherins seem to think of themselves as better than everyone, and thus only want to socialize or surround themselves with those that they believe are on their level. Severus Snape [15] - Daphne Greengrass. While Slughorn tells Harry that he "had them all" meaning the Blacks in Slytherin House DH4 , there might be a few variations, so not all of them are listed here. Other major Slytherin traits like cunning and shrewdness are double-edged swords in their own right, and it isn't hard to see some of the best Slytherin traits become the worst if taken too far. Identical Grandson : Heavily resembles Draco, who himself resembled Lucius. Unidentified Slytherin girl I.

As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Those characteristics included cunning, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition. Many Slytherin students tended to clique together often acquiring leaders which further exemplified Slytherin's ambitious qualities.

Then again, with no ambition to put as a hat, they are left with racism or being deceptive, which aren't values for a school to have. After Nymphadora and Remus passed away, Andromeda raised her grandson with the help of his godfather, Harry Potter. More Lucius Malfoy. Harry Potter. But in the final film, instead of Draco calling the shots, Goyle takes the lead and eggs Draco to kill Harry in a similar manner to Bellatrix egging him to kill Dumbledore. With a complex morality that's still debated, Severus Snape both a divisive and tragic character, but it's undeniable that his secret loyalty to Dumbledore and eventual self-sacrifice earn him a spot among the heroes of this story. Adaptational Intelligence : While still not very smart, Goyle in the movies still shows more intelligence than his literature counterpart, who borders on being Too Dumb to Live. Heel—Face Turn : Goyle becomes a better person by the end of the seventh book. Delinquents : Slytherins frequently rely on thuggery and violence to exert influence on other people in Hogwarts. In Goyle's case his first notable action in the books was to attempt to steal Harry and Ron's food, only to get bitten by Scabbers. Identical Grandson : Heavily resembles Draco, who himself resembled Lucius. His love for Lily Potter and subsequent guilt over her death drove many of his actions, making him one of the series' most morally nuanced characters. It was also rare for Slytherin and Gryffindor students to be friendly with one another, and was also quite common for them to share animosity.

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