harry litman twitter

Harry litman twitter

On Friday, he got his wish and then some. The D.

Harry Litman is a former U. Litman, who has lived in the La Jolla Heights neighborhood with his wife, Julie, and their three children since moving here five years ago from New Jersey, is now most focused on his weekly podcast. How is it going, running a podcast and writing a column with three kids distance learning at home? Has there been a shift in such issues since the pandemic began, and what are the pressing issues now? What will be the influence of, or legacy left by, the pandemic on legal policy going forward? I think almost no aspect of sociopolitical life will be unaffected. This is all

Harry litman twitter

Thread Reader. Share this page! More info at Twitter Help. Harry Litman. In handicapping terms, this is the equivalent of a rumor that the jockey may have the flu, in other words, gossamer-thin data that maybe changes the odds from even money to But for those who like to play, here's a chain of speculation. For others, please don't give me grief about how thin and speculative it is: that's exactly what is designed to be. OK-- 1. The court had all the necessary papers for the decision, whether to extend the immunity stay by last Thursday. The judges of each talk a lot with one another not,however, between courts. That means they are able to get a good sense from one another of what will fly and what is prudent. Contrast that with Judge Cannon, who is literally alone in her chambers, and who just yesterday turned down a reasonable request from Jack Smith. So there's a new brief in the DC Circuit, where Trump's immunity appeal is being heard; same issue the Supreme Court declined to take before judgment. The merits are important, but most people think that he will lose. The bigger worry is his ability to run out the clock because he gets an "interlocutory" before trial stay to take the issue up, during which Chutkan has ruled the case can't go forward.

Find a Copy, harry litman twitter. Lots of conjectures, some contradictory, swirling around. Contrast that with Judge Cannon, who is literally alone in her chambers, and who just yesterday turned down a reasonable request from Jack Smith.


But the justices were far from united on the rationale for reversal. The justices will hear arguments in the federal Jan. The narrow, right-wing majority within the unanimous decision held that congressional legislation is needed to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits elected officials who engage in insurrection from holding office again. All four of the concurring justices parted from requiring a federal law to enforce Section 3. For them, it was sufficient that the Colorado decision would impose an inconsistent and intolerable patchwork in which a major presidential candidate appeared on the ballot in some states but not in others. The opinion signed by the three Democratic-appointed justices, though styled as a concurrence, was fairly sharp in its differences with the majority. Most pointedly, they quoted Justice Stephen G. Barrett similarly felt that her five fellow conservatives had overreached. So although the court was able to come together as to the result, surely a priority for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.

Harry litman twitter

Doing the math, that means the all-important election interference trial in U. At best, that means there is no more margin for error if the case is to go forward this year. And even at the earliest possible date that it could proceed, the country will be in the homestretch of a presidential campaign that the trial would substantially distort. The D.

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You want to try your hardest, you want to achieve and you want to have serenity with the results. More to Read. Harry Litman. The bigger worry is his ability to run out the clock because he gets an "interlocutory" before trial stay to take the issue up, during which Chutkan has ruled the case can't go forward. We need to look around the corner. First is just the fact of the filing. Why did the Supreme Court deny Smith's petition after accepting expedited review? Jean Carroll trial that starts next Tuesday. True, it will result in moving the case back Another month or more, but the court is well aware of the election timeline, and the likelihood that Trump will have effectively sewn up the nomination before it's possible to issue the immunity ruling in any event. Sponsored Columns. That means they are able to get a good sense from one another of what will fly and what is prudent. Hot Property. Fundamentally, we can't tell, but I think we shouldn't discount the possibility that Bragg just felt he needed another day. As lawofruby points out, that activity lacks the specific nexus to Georgia that the conduct of other Trump higher-ups had.

Circuit's denial of his claim of immunity from prosecution, the justices' decision Wednesday has to be counted as a gift to the former president. Doing the math, that means the all-important election interference trial in U. At best, that means there is no more margin for error if the case is to go forward this year.

The verdict further punishes Trump with a loss of control over his business. That means they are able to get a good sense from one another of what will fly and what is prudent. A federal jury in New York quickly returned a verdict that found the former president liable for sexual abuse and defamation of the plaintiff. In general, I think the big question is when and how are we going to This argument is in contrast to the balance of the motion, which is trying to keep Trump from introducing irrelevant testimony, such as the claim that the prosecution is just a political attacked by the deep state. Chesebro's motion for immunity is downright bizarre. Times Events. It was surprising at the advent how all-consuming it was. A few more points about the Trump motion for immunity file today. In handicapping terms, this is the equivalent of a rumor that the jockey may have the flu, in other words, gossamer-thin data that maybe changes the odds from even money to

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