hamburger hill imdb

Hamburger hill imdb

A very realistic interpretation of one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. Frantz : Who is it?

A very realistic interpretation of one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. Frantz : Who is it? Doc : How the hell do I know? He's got no goddamn head. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Hamburger hill imdb

Sign In. Hamburger Hill The comment of "This is one of the very best and most realistic movies on the Vietnam War. There is no politicizing angst like "Platoon" and no flights of fantasy and metaphysics like "Full-Metal Jacket" or "Apocalypse Now". Those movies were too full of themselves and their "message" and Oliver Stone, in particular, sought more to advance his political viewpoints by distortion rather than show realistic combat. These guys in the st Airborne were engaged in a brutal, actual battle. From the first ambush scene through each of the assaults on the hill, realism was achieved. The North Vietnamese hiding safe in their bunkers during air-strikes, only to emerge and start shooting and rolling grenades down the hill again on the paratroopers--all real. The conversations among the troops, about what they would do when they got home, what kind of car they would buy, are all typical of what I remember from my year over there in the infantry. There was no pontificating about good and evil as with Oliver Stone's much overrated "Platoon". Most of all, it showed guys trying just to take care of each other, while still carrying on with a meat-grinder of a mission. The actors were all virtually unknown at the time this was made, but acquitted themselves well.

Take what they have left and what they have taught you with their dying and keep it with your own. Color Black and White.

Sign In. Hamburger Hill Courtney B. Vance was kind of all over the place in this wasn't he? One moment he's an over-the-top make everything political racist, and the next moment he actually cares about everyone He really needed to pick a direction and roll with it, because he came across as going too places at once.

Tim Quill Pvt. Joe Beletsky. Michael Boatman Motown. Dylan McDermott Sgt. Adam Frantz. Don Cheadle Pvt. Steven Weber Sfc. Dennis Worcester. Courtney B. Vance Spc.

Hamburger hill imdb

The men of Bravo Company are facing a battle that's all uphill… up Hamburger Hill. Fourteen war-weary soldiers are battling for a mud-covered mound of earth so named because it chews up soldiers like chopped meat. They are fighting for their country, their fellow soldiers and their lives. War is hell, but this is worse. Hamburger Hill tells it the way it was, the way it really was. It's a raw, gritty and totally unrelenting dramatic depiction of one of the fiercest battles of America's bloodiest war. This happened. Hamburger Hill - war at its worst, men at their best.

Patios con asador

Those movies were too full of themselves and their "message" and Oliver Stone, in particular, sought more to advance his political viewpoints by distortion rather than show realistic combat. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. FAQ Sign In Sign In. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Some want to be there, others don't, but they call all make the same statement: When it comes to their determination to get on top of that hill and advance upon the enemy, all of those political questions "don't mean nothin'. On his Saturday Night Live appearance, he wore a T-shirt saying " protect trans kids ". Dolby Stereo. Categories : films independent films s war drama films American films based on actual events American independent films American war drama films Films scored by Philip Glass Films directed by John Irvin Films set in Films shot in the Philippines Vietnam War films based on actual events RKO Pictures films Films about the United States Army drama films s English-language films s American films English-language war drama films. Top credits Director John Irvin.

For more information, visit the contribution bible. The men of Bravo Company are facing a battle that's all uphill… up Hamburger Hill.

Oliver Stone is the only one to have to been there to have made a movie about it. Martin Bienstock. Recently viewed. In between attacks, the shrinking platoon tries to rest, chattering about social upheaval and unrest back home. Archived from the original on July 2, So it drops 16 ft the first second, 48 ft the second second, and another 80 ft the third. Chicago Sun-Times. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Many excellent Vietnam films, in an attempt to present their own interpretation of America's darkest hour, ask many political questions vital to the war: "What were we fighting for? New Customer? A story?

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