guy lodge guardian

Guy lodge guardian

After working in screenwriting and script editing, he started writing reviews as a side hustle before it snowballed into a full-time career as a critic, guy lodge guardian. He has been guy lodge guardian critic at Variety since and a columnist at The Observer and The Guardian newspapers since ; with his colleague Catherine Bray, he founded the independent review site Film of the Week in

Going for gold: where to stream the Oscar contenders. Published: 26 Mar Streaming: the best films about dogs. Our canine companions have long been an inspiration to auteurs and sentimental film-makers alike. Published: 27 Mar Come home to a Cannes classic. Published: 12 May

Guy lodge guardian

Streaming: the best films about drinking. Published: 6 Jan Streaming: the best party movies. Published: 30 Dec Robert De Niro at his best films. Published: 12 Aug Published: 29 Jul Streaming: Return to Seoul and the best films about homecoming. Published: 8 Jul Streaming: Godland and the best priests in cinema. Published: 1 Jul Streaming: One Fine Morning and the best films about children parenting their parents. Published: 17 Jun Farcical thriller Cocaine Bear — about a drugged-up bear on the loose — follows in the knowingly naff footsteps of Snakes on a Plane, Sharknado and more. Published: 20 May

Streaming: Return to Seoul and the best films about homecoming. Published: 14 Jan

Streaming: the best Halloweens on screen. Published: 28 Oct Streaming: Return to Seoul and the best films about homecoming. Published: 8 Jul Streaming: the best werewolf films. Published: 8 Oct Streaming: Men and the best British folk horror films.

Family entertainment for all the world markets. There are no American awards? Sometimes it takes a foreigner to forge true Americana, even in the forbidding Reaganite environment of the mids. Cannes juries can be as capable of worthy-minded myopia as Academy award voters, yet this is one year they called it just right. For dessicated protagonist Travis so searchingly played by the great Harry Dean Stanton , it takes him in both directions: reunited with his son after going walkabout in the Lone Star desert, cueing a search for his similarly unmoored wife, he can only locate his family home by leaving it. Paris, Texas is a road movie: that most essentially American of genres, so beloved by Wenders that he named his first production company after it, midway through his celebrated road-movie trilogy of Alice in the Cities, The Wrong Move and Kings of the Road.

Guy lodge guardian

He followed it up with The Lighthouse , a surrealist survival nightmare, soaked in sea salt and maritime slang, jumbling toxic masculinity, fart jokes and octopus-punching. This is the kind of film-making upon which auteurist cults are built; but it does not, conventionally, inspire Hollywood studios to write the director in question a fat cheque for a blockbuster. And yet. A pounding, weather-lashed, brutal Viking revenge tale rooted in the Scandinavian folk legend of Amleth, it significantly ups the action ante for a director whose previous most elaborate set piece in that regard was a homoerotic wrestling scene between two crazed lighthouse-keepers played by Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. A recent New Yorker profile of Eggers detailed what appeared to be a tough post-production process, with some resistant feedback from the money men and test audiences. It was an arduous shoot.

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Published: 26 Mar Published: 20 May Published: 20 May Published: 8 Oct Streaming: the best Hollywood golden age classics now on iPlayer. Published: 24 Feb Published: 5 Nov Dunkirk spirit falters on the home front, Alain Gomis brings the streets of Kinshasa to sensual life, and a Billy Wilder classic sparkles on 4K. Streaming: great horror films with a political undercurrent. Marvel gets daft in space, while Julian Barratt gets even dafter in the 80s. Published: 22 Oct

The multi-hyphenate talks about the rerelease of his groundbreaking drama Shortbus and the changes in how we view sex in the past 15 years.

Streaming: the best lost-in-the-wilderness films. Published: 12 Aug Published: 30 Dec Films set in the skies have always exploited the tensions of a tight space. Published: 27 Aug From then on, I longhand-logged every film I ever saw on paper — a stone-age Letterboxd account of sorts. Streaming: the best films about drinking. Streaming: the best films about drinking. Published: 8 Jul Streaming: The Father and other films about dementia.

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