greyfriars bobby restaurant

Greyfriars bobby restaurant

This is another popular attraction in Edinburgh that took me plus years to track down. Various pictures I found online of the location or positioning of the graves of greyfriars bobby restaurant Bobby and his master, John Gray, show that elements like benches have been moved around.

Select a Category. Browse Collections. My Collections. Greyfriars Bobby's Bar. Good for Groups. This traditional pub is named after the loyal Skye Terrier Bobby, who famously stood vigil at his master's grave in Greyfriars Kirkyard behind the pub, for 14 years.

Greyfriars bobby restaurant

Before visiting, we advise that you check ahead by phone or via social media to avoid disappointment. If you see any details here that need updating, please let us know by submitting updates on the pub. This pub serves 3 regular beers. This pub serves 2 changing beers. Seen some incorrect or missing details? Email this pub to a friend. View on Larger Map Greyfriars Bobby. Nearby Station m. Nearby Metro m. We welcome the help of all users to contribute to this important campaigning project. Please use the form below to submit feedback or updates directly to the CAMRA branch for consideration. Results are based on your filters selected. View or change them on the search page here. The National Beer Scoring System has been upgraded and is now fully integrated with whatpub.

Please use the form below to submit feedback or updates directly to the CAMRA branch for greyfriars bobby restaurant. This is another popular attraction in Edinburgh that took me plus years to track down.


It must be a somewhat disquieting thought for the dignitaries of Greyfriars that their famous Edinburgh kirk, whose history goes back four centuries, with its churchyard well stocked with historic monuments, is today mainly known for having harboured a stray dog in mid-Victorian times. After Bobby had expired in , the Baroness Burdett-Coutts paid for a handsome monumental drinking fountain to be erected at the corner of Candlemaker Row. The myth of Bobby the Police Dog is an undesirable by-product of the latter line of thought: who would employ a small terrier in such a capacity, when he could be kicked away like a football by any drunken miscreant? There is no doubt that Bobby really existed, or that he spent lengthy periods of time at Greyfriars: not less than fourteen eyewitnesses saw him there from until The objections of Gillies and others were heeded, and the children who had collected pennies for Bobby to get a gravestone rebutted; it would take until for this exception to be remedied, and a gravestone erected for the celebrated cemetery dog, in the presence of none less than Andrew Duke of York. In contrast, the later portraits of Greyfriars Bobby are of quite another dog: a handsome black, brown and grizzled small terrier. Since it would appear anomalous that two Greyfriars Bobbys would coexist in the cemetery at the same time, it must be suspected that after the old dog had expired later in , he was replaced with another animal; the verger James Brown and the restaurateur John Traill, who both benefited from exploiting Greyfriars Bobby, are likely to have been involved in this scheme. The English were wrong to claim that the Scotchman was a hard-headed, incredulous being. Reid exclaimed: here we had a yarn of canine fidelity that entirely lacked substance, being magnified into a city monument, and a famous story to be told to generations yet unborn!

Greyfriars bobby restaurant

Greyfriars Bobby is a American drama film starring Donald Crisp and Laurence Naismith in a story about two Scottish men who compete for the affection of a Skye Terrier named Bobby. A little Skye Terrier named Bobby is the pet of a Scottish farmer and his wife but the dog loves an old shepherd hired on the farm called Auld Jock. When money grows scarce on the farm, Auld Jock is fired. He travels to Edinburgh, and Bobby follows him.

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Behind the attractive wooden exterior, the pub is decked out in a mock Victorian style. Guest Name. Loading Comments A small area has pavement tables for those who wish to take in the antics around the statue. Regular Monday Noon - Add To Collection. Greyfriars Bobby's Bar. View or change them on the search page here. Email Location. There's a good selection of drinks and a decent menu, featuring some pub standard meals. Find out more. Around the corner from the Kirkyard gate is the Greyfriars Bobby restaurant and pub. No Yes 0.

The story if Greyfriars Bobby begins in when a gardener called John Gray arrived in the Scottish capital, Edinburgh. Unfortunately, John was unable to find work as a gardener in Edinburgh, so he decided to take on work with the local police force as a night watchman.

Nearby Pubs See All. End of sermon. My Collections. Leave a comment Cancel reply. I passed the time by asking the guy holding down one end of the bar about the beers on draft draught. Check out. If you click "Log in with Facebook" and are not an cityseeker user, you will be registered and you agree to the cityseeker Terms and Conditions. Please use the form below to submit feedback or updates directly to the CAMRA branch for consideration. Behind the attractive wooden exterior, the pub is decked out in a mock Victorian style. When I visited, there were no benches nearby making the headstone stand out — not that you could miss it if you came in by the main gate. If you are drawn to the wacky and irreverent, you can buy a t-shirt in Bobby's honor, depicting the brave canine with shades on and a pint in his paw. Wikipedia mentions a number of alternate versions of the story, including — which of two men named John Gray Bobby belonged to, whether Bobby died earlier than claimed and got replaced by another dog to make his life sound even longer and whether Bobby was just a local homeless mutt, one of many which hung around anyplace where they found someone to feed them. Name :. Sign me up.

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