gregor star wars

Gregor star wars

An elite clone commando thought lost at the grueling Battle of Sarrish, CC survived a shuttle crash that left him stranded on the distant world of Abafar, gregor star wars, stripped of memory and identity. He was found and rehabilitated by Mr. Borkus, an unscrupulous diner owner in the dusty town of Pons Ora. When the Republic agents of D-Squad discovered Gregor, they rekindled gregor star wars memories of duty, service, and honor, and the commando reclaimed his armor and fought to a spectacular finish to ensure D-Squad carried out its crucial mission.

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Gregor star wars

This post contains spoilers from The Bad Batch episode In the animated Star Wars shows, everything is connected. Characters have a tendency to appear across multiple series, even when different fragments of their stories are told out of order. The latest episode of The Bad Batch episode 14 unexpectedly brought back one clone trooper who has made brief appearances in two previous shows. Gregor was a clone commando during The Clone Wars who suffered amnesia after crash-landing on the planet Abafar. With no memory of who he was or his greater purpose in the galaxy, he worked as a dishwasher not knowing there were millions of men across the universe who shared his face. Is anyone ever really gone in Star Wars, though? He was mostly fine when we saw him again in another animated series. In the second season of Star Wars Rebels , Ahsoka sent the Ghost crew to a distant planet to seek out an old friend. Gregor was one of two clones that were hiding out with Rex. For a long time, there were questions about how Gregor got from where we left him in Clone Wars to where we found him in Rebels. Leave it to The Bad Batch to offer us a bridge between these two points in his story. Once the Dad Batch break him out of his cell block, Gregor helps them escape well, most of them.

Gregor An elite clone commando thought lost at the grueling Battle of Sarrish, CC survived a shuttle crash that left him stranded on the distant world of Abafar, stripped of memory and identity. Gregor and Wolffe's modifications included a landing platform on top of their walker. He escaped the base, gregor star wars, but was hunted.

This article's information is out of date and requires an update to it. Please read the following material with awareness of possible misinformation and old info. Human clone [3]. Captain [4]. Gregor , identified as CC , was a clone commando who held the rank of captain in the Grand Army of the Republic.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! He suffered amnesia when the Galactic Republic's forces were defeated by the Separatists on the planet Sarrish. Gregor eventually ended up on the Outer Rim world Abafar , where the Sullustan Borkus took advantage of the clone's lack of memory and employed him as a dishwasher at his diner. However, Colonel Meebur Gascon and the D-Squad , who were searching for a way back to the Republic after recovering a Confederate encryption module , helped Gregor gain his memory back and convinced him to aid their mission. The clone commando distracted the forces at the local Rhydonium mining installation while Gascon and the D-Squad escaped Abafar. He was cloned from the template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett , and received training as a clone commando , earning the rank of captain.

Gregor star wars

An elite clone commando thought lost at the grueling Battle of Sarrish, CC survived a shuttle crash that left him stranded on the distant world of Abafar, stripped of memory and identity. He was found and rehabilitated by Mr. Borkus, an unscrupulous diner owner in the dusty town of Pons Ora. When the Republic agents of D-Squad discovered Gregor, they rekindled his memories of duty, service, and honor, and the commando reclaimed his armor and fought to a spectacular finish to ensure D-Squad carried out its crucial mission. Although he returned to form, the birth of the Empire left Gregor in the unenviable position of training the soldiers due to replace his clone brothers. In this clip from "Missing in Action," the th episode of The Clone Wars, an amnesiac clone named Gregor learns the truth about who he is. Colonel Meebur Gascon and D-Squad discovered Gregor working as a dishwasher in a seedy diner on the desolate planet Abafar.

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Characters have a tendency to appear across multiple series, even when different fragments of their stories are told out of order. While in service to the Grand Army of the Republic , Gregor wore Katarn -class Commando Armor with yellow markings and a grayish camouflage printing. Gregor was a clone commando during The Clone Wars who suffered amnesia after crash-landing on the planet Abafar. Once the Dad Batch break him out of his cell block, Gregor helps them escape well, most of them. When he came upon the Ghost crew and their lurching Lasat , he proposed the idea to use Zeb as bait to catch dinner. They fight just like the boys. Can you believe it? During the episode, a hologram showing Gregor's military records was displayed in Aurebesh after R2-D2 scanned his identifying code. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. When Kanan Jarrus identified them as clones, Wolffe, in turn, recognized him as a Jedi and let off a few shots. Explore Wikis Community Central. Captain [4]. Tech said that Rex had sent them, and Gregor stood up and told them his name, saying they had to move out. Related Story. Gregor tried to reclaim it and clumsily lunged, still not functioning to his abilities as a clone commando.

Gregor was outfitted with battered, yellow-marked Clone Commando armor and a DCm blaster rifle. His helmet was adorned with tally marks of the number of battles he participated in during the Clone Wars.

Missing in Action In this clip from "Missing in Action," the th episode of The Clone Wars, an amnesiac clone named Gregor learns the truth about who he is. Gregor An elite clone commando thought lost at the grueling Battle of Sarrish, CC survived a shuttle crash that left him stranded on the distant world of Abafar, stripped of memory and identity. I can survive this. We did it. Gregor along with Zeb and Kallus were assigned to Team B, which was tasked with recapturing and restarting the south tower's power terminal. Rex shot the droid down. During the battle, Gregor was shot in the right side of the chest by an Imperial weapons technician. Human clone [3]. When Gregor returned his home, he found that Gascon and D-Squad were inside. Show More Loading The clones used that as cover, while the entire group discussed their strategy. The reappearance of Gregor will likely explain, at least in part, how he came to reunite with Rex and why we saw them together in Rebels.

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