Goldfish commercial guy

Dallas Mavericks center Boban Marjanovic stands 7-foot He's a handful, and not just for rival defenders, goldfish commercial guy. Marjanovic can hold more than Pepperidge Farm Goldfish goldfish commercial guy in each of his mighty mitts, a skill—and we use the term loosely—that's on amusing display in ads co-starring his pal and former teammate Tobias Harris of the Philadelphia 76ers. Biscuit Filmworks director Aaron Stollerof Liberty Mutual and Nissan Heisman House fame, creates the perfect atmosphere: goofy, but not distractingly so.

He also plays for the Serbian national team in international competitions. Although he was tall from a young age, his family members are all of average height: his father stands only 5 ft 9 in 1. After half a season there, he returned to Hemofarm. He later helped the 76ers get past the Brooklyn Nets in the first round of the NBA playoffs , [49] but the 76ers were eventually eliminated by the Toronto Raptors in the Conference Semi-finals. His senior debut with the Serbian national basketball team at a major tournament came at EuroBasket in Lithuania , where Serbia finished in eighth place. In August , the San Antonio Spurs prohibited him from playing for the Serbian national team at EuroBasket due to risk of injury after signs of pain in his left foot, although the Serbian Basketball Federation KSS stated that no bone fractures were found.

Goldfish commercial guy

Harris and Marjanovic, who played alongside one another on the Detroit Pistons as well as on the L. Clippers and the Sixers, star in yet another ad campaign for Goldfish crackers. This is not the first time the NBA friends partnered with the brand. Boban: Hey! It was a gold dish like Goldfish. They used my hand. It was so cool how they could do that. Of course, it was my hand. It was personal. It looks amazing. It was exciting. They did a really good job. Tobias: The commercial is going to be shown at All-Star Weekend when everyone will be watching. The fans who want this hand can go to GoldfishHandDish. Boban: The hand dish is so cool.

March 23, Editor's Picks. February 7,


Dallas Mavericks center Boban Marjanovic stands 7-foot He's a handful, and not just for rival defenders. Marjanovic can hold more than Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers in each of his mighty mitts, a skill—and we use the term loosely—that's on amusing display in ads co-starring his pal and former teammate Tobias Harris of the Philadelphia 76ers. Biscuit Filmworks director Aaron Stoller , of Liberty Mutual and Nissan Heisman House fame, creates the perfect atmosphere: goofy, but not distractingly so. We'd hang with those guys. And they supply the snacks! You could even earn "Spokeshand" status, scoring free salty-cheesy 'fish for a year and social media appearances on behalf of the brand. So Boban made a lot of sense, and his friendship with Tobias was just what we wanted to represent the fun and friendliness of Goldfish. Their friendship is so genuine and entertaining.

Goldfish commercial guy

Tobias Harris and Boban Marjanovic are a tandem for the ages — they were teammates with the Pistons, 76ers, and Clippers — and are still good friends. While they are not on the same team anymore — Harris is in Philadelphia, Marjanovic in Dallas — they recently reunited for a new commercial for Goldfish crackers. And it is awesome. The new Boban-Tobias Goldfish commercial. Too good. We need these two in a series of ads for different products — pizzas, video games, delivery services, sodas, or dance lessons. Search Query Submit Search. Premier League. College Football. College Basketball.

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You could even earn "Spokeshand" status, scoring free salty-cheesy 'fish for a year and social media appearances on behalf of the brand. Tobias Harris. Retrieved January 6, Stats at NBA. It looks amazing. Retrieved December 6, Harris and Marjanovic, who played alongside one another on the Detroit Pistons as well as on the L. Archived from the original on July 24, His hands are huge. Basketball is my first thing. April 9,

Harris and Marjanovic, who played alongside one another on the Detroit Pistons as well as on the L. Clippers and the Sixers, star in yet another ad campaign for Goldfish crackers.

While Goldfish are usually considered a kids' snack, "the whole family loves them too," Lukin says, so the work strives to broaden their appeal. We were happy to be together again. Although he was tall from a young age, his family members are all of average height: his father stands only 5 ft 9 in 1. One of them. July 17, Retrieved August 10, It was a gold dish like Goldfish. March 23, April 13, We know about Tobi and Bobi.

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