Gold movie true story

Back inFilipino prospector Michael de Guzman convinced geologist John Felderhof and Canadian businessman David Walsh he had struck gold in the jungles of Borneo, gold movie true story. De Guzman duped the labs that tested the samples, which verified roughly 3 oz of gold per ton of rock. In the following years, de Guzman would continue to salt samples with gold he bought from locals. He even fooled an independent auditor.

Real life can be stranger than fiction, which is why stories from the news often form the basis of scripts for the big screen. What follows is a series of timelines, photos and newspaper articles that tell the story that inspired the movie Gold , starring Matthew McConaughey. This is the real-life story and scandal of Bre-X. The compilation starts with a story published on the year anniversary of the Bre-X collapse, in which two Postmedia journalists — Suzanne Wilton and Ted Rhodes — went back to the Indonesian jungles where the gold fraud started. Yopinus, a former Bre-X employee, used his machete to hack into the site of the former office, now reclaimed by the Borneo jungle. But a decade after the junior Calgary exploration company imploded, the locals still search for gold.

Gold movie true story

No, the real company, Bre-X Minerals Ltd. It was so small that Walsh initially ran it out of his basement. For legal reasons and to make the story more appealing, the movie relocates the company to Reno, Nevada and calls it Washoe Mining Inc. Calgary-based Bre-X Minerals Ltd. While fact-checking the Gold movie, we discovered that the filmmakers transplanted the story to the late s. The Bre-X Minerals scandal actually happened in the mids. In , the small Canadian mining company Bre-X claimed a massive gold find deep in the jungle in the Busang area on the Indonesian island of Borneo. Former Calgary Sun and Calgary Herald journalist Suzanne Wilton, who in traveled to where the notorious gold mine had been located, called it "an incredible journey," saying, "It was five hours overland through forestry concessions in the middle of Borneo, and then another five hours by boat up this raging river to a place that didn't exist on maps. We could have fallen out of the canoe that we were riding in and nobody would have ever found us. Click to zoom in and explore.

De Guzman needed a fellow geologist to corroborate his story, so he shared news of his "find" with Felderhof, a then-respected geologist. Retrieved December 12,

Based on the true story of the Bre-X Minerals Ltd. Calgary-based Bre-X began operating in the Busang area of Borneo in ; within a few years, the company claimed to have discovered an enormous gold deposit and sent the Bre-X stock soaring. But what really happened with this famed and shamed corporation? Was Bre-X gold really all a fabrication? What was the Bre-X scandal? Founded in by David Walsh, Bre-X began as a tiny, almost insignificant Canadian company on a quest for greatness.

No, the real company, Bre-X Minerals Ltd. It was so small that Walsh initially ran it out of his basement. For legal reasons and to make the story more appealing, the movie relocates the company to Reno, Nevada and calls it Washoe Mining Inc. Calgary-based Bre-X Minerals Ltd. While fact-checking the Gold movie, we discovered that the filmmakers transplanted the story to the late s. The Bre-X Minerals scandal actually happened in the mids. In , the small Canadian mining company Bre-X claimed a massive gold find deep in the jungle in the Busang area on the Indonesian island of Borneo. Former Calgary Sun and Calgary Herald journalist Suzanne Wilton, who in traveled to where the notorious gold mine had been located, called it "an incredible journey," saying, "It was five hours overland through forestry concessions in the middle of Borneo, and then another five hours by boat up this raging river to a place that didn't exist on maps.

Gold movie true story

It has all of the elements befitting a classic Hollywood tale: mystery, adventure, treasure, greed, corruption, betrayal, exotic locales, plot twists and … gold. Gold, opening in theatres across Canada on Jan. They strike gold, big-time investment bankers and multinational miners come calling, their fortunes soar and suddenly they are the kings of the industry. That is until the dream suddenly turns to nightmare when their gold strike is discovered to be fraudulent since their samples are salted with river gold. But for legal and mass-appeal reasons, the company in the film is not Calgary-based Bre-X, but fictitious Reno, Nev. Though Canadians have long said the Bre-X story played out like a movie script, like most Canadian legends, its juicy plot was little known outside the mining community south of the border.

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Another forensic scientist, known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Philippines, reviewed the case for the family and believes de Guzman was tortured and murdered, likely for information about the gold site. August 22, We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. River panning is one thing; extracting gold from the land is another story. The U. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Leeches would worm their way into his boots. Advertisement 6. The most fantastical elements of the story are the most accurate. Oliver and Co. Indonesian police ruled it a suicide. While fact-checking the Gold movie, we discovered that the filmmakers transplanted the story to the late s. Of course, it was all a hoax, spurred on by De Guzman manipulating salting the core samples from the site.

The Bre-X story is largely one of three men: charismatic promoter David Walsh, swashbuckling prospector John Felderhof and Michael de Guzman, a trusted geologist with a secret life. Montreal-born Walsh went from high school to an investment desk at a small trust company.

Even the tiniest of plants — vines no wider than twine — were hazardous. This article covers a developing story. In the Philippines, the latest story is that de Guzman is living with the daughter of a sultan in the Bahamas. The funeral of de Guzman at the Holy Cross cemetery should have been the end of the intrigue, putting a bizarre life to rest. Kenny then flies back to America and raises the promised money to finance their venture. And when costly exploration efforts turned up little to get excited about, there were fears the Canadians might pull out. Winning the contest will mean a Oldsmobile Aurora, saving him the trouble of replacing his Acura, which is getting a bit old. In the days following his death, the National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines had trouble matching his fingerprints and identifying the corpse. Bre-X Minerals Ltd. Is he still alive? Collectively, the gang of robbers founds approximately 6, lbs. The body was dressed in the same shirt and pants that de Guzman was wearing when he boarded the chopper. Advertisement 7. Nikkei 39, Wahab Syahranie Hospital in Samarinda to conduct an autopsy.

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