Glorias house cartoon

Gloria's House is the messiest house in a street full of perfect homes but it's a lot more fun than any of the other squeaky clean places in Chillsville. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Glorias house cartoon account.

It is an Australian-German co-production. Gloria's House is the messiest house in a street full of perfect homes but it's a lot more fun than any of the other squeaky clean places in Chillsville. It stars Gloria and her equally eccentric family—her inventor father Wazza, her mother Molly, her older sister Notta, her younger brother Beat, and the family's long-suffering house cat Bill. Also starring are their insufferably posh neighbours where Millicent "Millie" Perfeck resides and the two strike an Odd Friendship despite their families and themselves being total opposites. Provides examples of: Abhorrent Admirer : Rodney to Notta. To Notta's credit, she only really dislikes him if he's especially annoying but appreciates him when he proves helpful to her.

Glorias house cartoon


How else does he come up with his wacky inventions?


Gloria's House is the messiest house in a street full of perfect homes but it's a lot more fun than any of the other squeaky clean places in Chillsville. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.

Glorias house cartoon

It is an Australian-German co-production. Gloria's House is the messiest house in a street full of perfect homes but it's a lot more fun than any of the other squeaky clean places in Chillsville. It stars Gloria and her equally eccentric family—her inventor father Wazza, her mother Molly, her older sister Notta, her younger brother Beat, and the family's long-suffering house cat Bill. Also starring are their insufferably posh neighbours where Millicent "Millie" Perfeck resides and the two strike an Odd Friendship despite their families and themselves being total opposites. Provides examples of: Abhorrent Admirer : Rodney to Notta. To Notta's credit, she only really dislikes him if he's especially annoying but appreciates him when he proves helpful to her. It's subtly implied that she might like him back if he weren't so thickheaded. Ironically, Rodney has one as well from a girl named Leticia.

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Connections References The Shining Youthful Freckles : Gloria, as befitting of a Cheerful Child. He is mentioned to be a champion swimmer, but that's because he's always been somewhat of an athlete before he got confined to a wheelchair. Get Known if you don't have an account. Although he could only be acting nice towards the Nits out of his personal interest in Notta, the eldest child, it's shown that he genuinely does not hold any negative feelings towards the family at all. Ha'bait Shel Gloria. Add photo. User reviews Be the first to review. See the gallery. See the full list. Nick Jasprizza Wazza Nit ….


Odd Friendship : Gloria, who is a bit of a bumpkin, befriending the very posh Millicent. See the full list. Ironically, Rodney has one as well from a girl named Leticia. Cloud Cuckoolander : Gloria's dad, Wazza. Snobs : A bit of the premise is also this with the rural-born and humble Nit family at odds with their neighbours, the city-dwelling and ostentatious Perfeck family. Episode guide. But she does consider her an actual friend and when she does something really bad, she feels guilty and eventually apologises. And yes, that's despite the fact that he's in a wheelchair. Get Known if you don't have an account. Create account. More to explore. Of course, he still makes a point that he does need a bit of help at times since he could be seen struggling at one point to get through the door due to a raised platform. Ha'bait Shel Gloria. See the gallery.

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