ghost college melbourne

Ghost college melbourne

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How police busted a multi-million-dollar 'ghost college' scam. Mr Singh nodded, responding that he was happy to help. He hung up the phone. Within moments, he called Mukesh Sharma, an associate who ran another college, the Symbiosis Institute of Technical Education. He told Mr Sharma to get ready. An audit was about to take place. What Mr Singh and Mr Sharma did not realise was that federal agents had been listening the whole time.

Ghost college melbourne


Immoralized said:. If there's a scam to be done, they'll be doing it


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Ghost college melbourne

Ghost Donkey is a mucho good time and is now open at Crown Melbourne for a limited time. Born in NYC, but with a soul that resides in Mexico, Ghost Donkey celebrates its heritage and respects tradition while working its big city swagger. For group bookings of people, make a reservation below. Ghost Donkey serves specially crafted cocktails made with traditional Mexican spirits and artisanal brands. Whether an exclusive full venue hire or a smaller semi-private event, Ghost Donkey has you covered. Immerse yourself under the lights of our agave alter in the main bar area, keep it intimate in our semi-private lounges or get in touch with us and we can collaborate on an arrangement that works best for your fiesta. No split bills.

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In my view, if the will existed to turn the screws on this problem which it doesn't but let's dream for a minute , the government could impose limitations on student visa holders which would make it difficult for them to flood service industries with cheap labour. So where are they? The government doesn't do anything to disabuse them of this. No college has that, you can go to any college. He arrived in Australia at the age of 18 in , and quickly moved into a range of entrepreneurial ventures. There are now so many colleges that other education providers who do expect their students to attend are struggling to compete. By June this year, that had risen to , The only day of significant activity occurred shortly after the call announcing the audit. At Einstein College in King Street, attendance sheets obtained for a first-aid course run in July — where participants were expected to have completed practical tasks including basic emergency life support and CPR — showed 73 in attendance in a class meant to have 20 students. The issue here that is difficult to resolve is the government wants this massive pool of cheap labour. His colleges were in odd locations and appeared to have much less activity than would have been expected from colleges with hundreds of students enrolled.

Inadequate fire-fighting measures and low staffing caused the fire to completely destroy the amusement park's ghost train. The fire was originally blamed on electrical faults, but arson by known figures has also been claimed. The exact cause of the fire could not be determined by a coronial inquiry.

Footer ABC News homepage. The migrant workers aren't the ones to blame. They were mostly here to cash in on very high Australian wages. BSPs should be compelled to report their online hours and to limit those hours to what is legal for students. Registered to accommodate students, its classrooms are accessed via a set of hard-to-find back steps off 51 Queen Street. And this RTO continues to operate. What Mr Singh and Mr Sharma did not realise was that federal agents had been listening the whole time. They shouldn't be able to get a full Victorian driver's license. If they want to work they usually have to apply for a work visa as well which is rarely granted. He told Mr Sharma to get ready. Mr Singh's wife, Rekha Arora, was also found guilty, and was released on a good behaviour bond for a period of three years.

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