Gdp per capita by country ppp

Business and economic data for countries. The highest value was in Luxembourg: U.

Much of the economic data we use to understand the world — for instance on the goods and services bought or produced by households, firms and governments, or the incomes they receive — is initially recorded in terms of the units in which these transactions took place. That means this data starts out being expressed in a variety of local currencies — as so many rupees, US dollars, or yuan, etc. Before these figures can be meaningfully compared, they need to be converted into common units. International dollars int. It is the result of adjusting both for inflation within countries over time and for differences in the cost of living between countries. Similarly, one int.

Gdp per capita by country ppp

A country's gross domestic product GDP at purchasing power parity PPP per capita is the PPP value of all final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year, divided by the average or mid-year population for the same year. This is similar to nominal GDP per capita, but adjusted for the cost of living in each country. As estimates and assumptions have to be made, the results produced by different organizations for the same country are not hard facts and tend to differ, sometimes substantially, so they should be used with caution. Comparisons of national wealth are frequently made on the basis of nominal GDP and savings not just income , which do not reflect differences in the cost of living in different countries see List of countries by GDP nominal per capita ; hence, using a PPP basis is arguably more useful when comparing generalized differences in living standards between economies because PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries, rather than using only exchange rates , which may distort the real differences in income. This is why GDP PPP per capita is often considered one of the indicators of a country's standard of living, [3] [4] although this can be problematic because GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. See Standard of living and GDP. All figures are in current international dollars , and rounded to the nearest whole number. The table initially ranks each country or territory with their latest available year's estimates, and can be reranked by any of the sources. The share of the shadow economy is significant in many European countries, ranging from less than 10 to over 40 percent of GDP. There are many natural economic reasons for GDP-per-capita to vary between jurisdictions e. However, it is increasingly being recognized that tax havens , or corporate tax havens , have distorted economic data which produces artificially high, or inflated, GDP-per-capita figures. These investments in empty corporate shells almost always pass through well-known tax havens. The eight major pass-through economies—the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Hong Kong SAR, the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, and Singapore—host more than 85 percent of the world's investment in special purpose entities, which are often set up for tax reasons. In , Ireland's economic data became so distorted by U. Ireland is one of the world's largest corporate tax havens.

By country past and projected per capita per capita. GDP per capita Daily per capita supply of calories vs. Incomes around the world diverge instead of converging.

The data given on this page are based on the international dollar , a standardized unit used by economists. Certain regions that are not widely considered countries such as Hong Kong also show up in the list if they are distinct jurisdiction areas or economic entities. GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing the domestic market of a state because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in per capita income. The first set of data on the left columns of the table includes estimates for the year made for each economy of the economies U. The data is in millions of international dollars and was calculated and published by the IMF in October

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Gdp per capita by country ppp

PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U. GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.

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World Bank [22] [23]. Forex reserves Forex reserves ex. GDP per capita Per capita fossil energy consumption vs. Conversely, if its education system and institutions are not well developed, the new technology cannot be adopted. A list of the top 15 GDP-per-capita countries from to , contains most of the major global tax havens see GDP-per-capita tax haven proxy for more detail :. Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. GDP per capita Self-reported life satisfaction vs. GDP per capita Death rate from pneumonia in children vs. GDP per capita Improved water sources vs. Many countries have decoupled economic growth from CO2 emissions, even if we take offshored production into account Hannah Ritchie. The most recent round was conducted in and the previous round was conducted in Retrieved on. They express, for each country, the amount of local currency that is needed to buy the same goods and services there as 1 US dollar buys in the US. GDP per capita Economic complexity rank vs.

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As estimates and assumptions have to be made, the results produced by different organizations for the same country are not hard facts and tend to differ, sometimes substantially, so they should be used with caution. GDP per capita Share of farms operated by smallholders vs. Citations How to cite this page To cite this page overall, including any descriptions, FAQs or explanations of the data authored by Our World in Data, please use the following citation:. GDP per capita Share of out-of-pocket expenditure vs. GDP per capita Share of children in employment vs. Business and economic data for countries. Related research and writing What is economic growth? Retrieved 26 July Read View source View history. Retrieved 20 May GDP per capita Disease burden from non-communicable diseases vs. Reuse this work All data produced by third-party providers and made available by Our World in Data are subject to the license terms from the original providers. Costa Rica.

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