gay tours barcelona

Gay tours barcelona

All Gay Cruises. All Gay Resorts. All Gay Destinations. Barcelona boasts a cosmopolitan and welcoming environment for all types of travelers from every corner of the globe.

We've rounded up the best gay tours to do in Barcelona for gay travelers, whether you like tapas, art or drinking! A city which bakes under constant sunshine. Buildings that hold an old-timey charm, yet still look new and polished. A rich, albeit tragic history filled with twists and turns. A community of people who welcome you with open arms and wide smiles. What would we ever do without Barcelona?

Gay tours barcelona

You are on the right page! Known for its fabulous monuments such as the Sagrada Familia, for its energetic cultural life, for its creators, especially in design and fashion, for its young restaurateurs, its tapas and cocktail bars, its beaches The Catalan capital is also a great place for its gay scene. Hotels, restaurants, bars, saunas, clubs, shops all contribute to this effervescence. It is also major celebrations or events such as the "Barcelona Pride" that punctuate the Gay Barcelona! They will understand your needs because they reflect their customers: diverse and aware of all kinds of requests. From now on, simply formulate your request your profile, your type of group, your wishes, your budget and the time of your stay Our partners will grant your wishes, simple or most complicated, without any stress and most of all in complete freedom! Be the first to comment this page! Please, click the [Add a new Comment] button below. This website uses cookies to personalize content, analyze traffic, and share information with partners.

For more inspiration, be sure to check out our guide to the best gay restaurants in Barcelona.

The city is also the true LGBT capital of Southern Europe, boasting innumerable venues for all tastes, world-famous dance parties like Circuit but most of all a friendly, inclusive and tolerant culture. Get ready for special tours in this amazing city! Learn more about the history this incredible church discovering the secrets of the Sagrada Familia. With your skip-the-line ticket enter Barcelona's unmissable landmark. Learn more of the history of Barcelona from Roman times to the medieval period through a special Gothic Quarter walking tour, which has a charm all of its own with its narrow, cobbled streets, wrought-iron street lamps and buildings that comprise hidden corners you can lose yourself in. Then continue to Barcelona Cathedral, built in different artistic styles, next to the important ruins of the Roman walls. Here lots of gay shops, bars, discos and restaurants appeared in the last years.

Join us for 10 nights on a gay Barcelona and Pyrenees soft adventure tour. Enjoy local food and wine while enjoying the adventure that Spain has to offer. Biking, hiking, rafting and canyoning are some of the extraordinary activities we will enjoy on this tour. Enjoy the cultural along the way with village walks, a shepherd experience, and Eixample, the most centric quarter in Barcelona. This is a unique area of Spain that has a lot to offer the adventurous soul. Raft the thrilling Noguera Pallaresa River. Hike Aiguestortes National Park. Discover the Romanesque ensemble of churches in Vall de Boi.

Gay tours barcelona

Barcelona is one of the crowning jewels of Europe, and in terms of top gay destinations across the continent it is one of the front-runners. And for gay accommodation in Barcelona? The city is spilling with well-appointed apartments that cater to different tastes. If you are traveling in numbers, or alternatively like to holiday solo, opt for an entire apartment for your gay accommodation. Or why not try our new service where you can search for gay and gay-friendly hotel rooms? This makes it the natural choice for your next gay accommodation option. Explore Barcelona, experience your pride, and enjoy gay hospitality at its best.

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The hotel rooms have been specially designed, equipped and decorated to create a modern and elegant environment with maximum comfort. NOTE: This tour package can be fully customizable to fit your travel plan. I have read the privacy policy mandatory field. Number Of Participants:. The Catalan capital is also a great place for its gay scene. Like this post? Spending the evening at the fabulous Parrots bar in the gay area of Sitges. All Gay Cruises. Gay tour of Sitges from Barcelona. We also visited the picturesque town of Sitges, watching local villagers set up their stalls, shoo-ing away the pesky seagulls, and haggling over prices for those must-have fridge magnet souvenirs. Explore the city center and the Town Hall, a building built on the site of the medieval castle of Sitges. Quote or Reservation. We partied until dawn, bouncing from lively bars like Moeem , to sacrilegious spots like La Chapelle , which has walls covered in Christian artefacts…! The area around the Axel Gay Hotel Barcelona is known as the Gayxample because of its lively gay scene.

Book your accommodation in Barcelona.

Gay tour of Sitges from Barcelona. The highlight of the trip has to be the final stop — saving the best for last! Prices might be different if your travel dates concur at the same time as a congress or special dates as Christmas, Easter or bank holidays, when hotel rates are high. The entire tour takes around 3 hours and is completed on foot. Afterwards transfer back to Barcelona. I was strg as far as they were concerned Thank you Ciao6 Good. The staff has knowledge of the local gay scene, and the hotel is hetero-friendly too. For more, check out our comprehensive gay guide to Sitges. Gay night tour of Barcelona. Your Preferred Date 4 Star Hotel. If that happen, we will provide hotel alternatives or, if not possible, a new price for this package. Prefix Mobile Number:. Gay tapas tour of Barcelona.

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