gay themed movies blog

Gay themed movies blog

We are proud to say that you can see more than movies and other video material of various genres on our hbo lineup. Also, here you can find many video galleries with thoushand videos, music video, gay short films, feature-length movies, movie reviews etc. If you are real gay film lovers you can enjoy on our daily update site. Many of us dont have enough free time to gay themed movies blog feature-length movies.

I had the exact same feelings I had to watch all those movies either alone or with a begrudging boyfriend, because he had seen every gay film ever with his roommate down at BYU The Bubble is one of my favorite films. Ah I love them all even the campy crappy ones, ok maybe not all of them but I feel like it was a rite of passage to watch all of them. I recommend "Notes On A Scandal".

Gay themed movies blog

We from Couple of Men had an inspiring talk with festival director Martin Wolkner about the program of the 8th Filmfest homochrom in Cologne and Dortmund in the western part of Germany. The LGBT film festival has quickly become the second-largest among a very active crowd of two dozens of queer film festivals all around Germany. But homochrom has also been one of the up-and-coming festivals to look for rare film discoveries and gay movie surprises. The biggest one yet might be that the admission to all films is free in We wanted to know from Martin Wolkner which of the film selection are the best, sexiest or most dramatic movies showcasing love between two gay men. Which are the unmissable films of ? And some really good storytellers, of course. But before we start to tell you a story of three couples, imagine the following scenario: you and the person you love are separated by several time zones, thousands of kilometers, a couple of countries and oceans, permanently. The only thing how you two can be in contact is to chat via apps, Skype, and, of course, to travel. But despite the distance between you and your love, the only thing that really matters to you is that you are in love.

What Woody Allen does for New York, Tykwer does for Berlin, showcasing the city as a vibrant center of art, culture, and yes, sexuality, filled with creative inhabitants who have gone there to remake themselves. Gay Interest Films.

Covers gay themed movie reviews, movie reviews, gay movies, ratings, LGBT movies reviews. Discover great gay stories. Jun 30 Get Email Contact. This is an amateur website focus Gay movies, videos, web-series and documentaries from all over the world. We curate the world's lesbian film, television, and video content. UK FilmDoo is a global online streaming platform helping people to discover and watch great films about lesbians from around the world filmdoo.

Covers gay themed movie reviews, movie reviews, gay movies, ratings, LGBT movies reviews. Discover great gay stories. This is an amateur website focus Gay movies, videos, web-series and documentaries from all over the world. DA 9 Get Email Contact. We curate the world's lesbian film, television, and video content. UK FilmDoo is a global online streaming platform helping people to discover and watch great films about lesbians from around the world filmdoo.

Gay themed movies blog

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. McEwan is getting rave reviews for her powerful performance as a woman in an impossible situation. By following three intersex activists — Sean Saifa Wall, Alicia Roth Weigel, and River Gallo — the film allows us to see what life is like for different people in the same community. This movie was scary, campy, and all about the chosen family between a woman Allison Williams , her niece, and the super intelligent and super deadly doll who co-parents her. In it, Lysette plays Monica, a trans woman who returns home to help take care of her ailing mother Patricia Clarkson who had kicked her out for transitioning years ago. Lysette gives an undeniably powerful and understated performance that is one of the best of the year and deserves real Oscar attention. After it was originally supposed to be a Disney movie, Netflix scooped up this instant classic about a gay supervillain and his shapeshifting sidekick based on the award-winning graphic novel from ND Stevenson. Theater Camp is the delightful surprise of the summer.

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Jun 30 Get Email Contact. I had forgotten that one. In a macho dominated society the union between two men is a rarity that came to be legal only recently. Saturday, July 10, Curious Thing Then there was Were the World Mine , which I also enjoyed. Miles from Nowhere — A Candid Exploration o Pascal-Alex Vincent France 13 min. The story, cinematography, characters, and relationships are all great and relatable. It's become an important part of both finding my Self and embracing who I am. I think these films get a prize for being some of the best ever made on a shoestring budget. Built on solid production values, this University of Texas, Dallas student production charms with the tender tale of a pair of gay lovers, only for one to be more at ease in expressing his sexuality in public, than the other. Based upon a set of true stories weaved together by writer Jason Mills, here we find director Alain Hain walking the more than familiar cinematic ground of falling in love with your best friend; albeit with a markedly straight variant. Saying more than that would prove uninvited-ly spoiler-ish. Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj feedspot.

Every movie here is Fresh, from at least 20 reviews. For now, join us as we celebrate the work of hundreds of filmmakers whose talents and risks have opened up the possibilities of cinema.

An exquisite and intense short film, this is a quietly thoughtful study of a year-old Chilean boy's lust for an older neighbor. I can't say enough good things about this series. Saturday, July 10, Curious Thing Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign. Then there was 8: The Mormon Proposition , which really opened my eyes to the true role the Church played in California in I'd watch it again. Which are the unmissable films of ? Jun 30 Get Email Contact 6. Gay cinema was my one contact with "reality" prior to coming out. We are proud to say that you can see more than movies and other video material of various genres on our website.

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