gay club croydon

Gay club croydon

The number of local gay bars and pubs in east London is significantly decreasing. Many beloved establishments gay club croydon been lost and those that remain have had to adapt.

LB of Croydon , United Kingdom. Whitgift Centre, Croydon. Gay LB of Croydon. Latest Comments Nobody there, just a waste of Nobody there, just a waste of Never seen anybody there Hi, Can head into croydon any

Gay club croydon

For contact details, see our " How to join " page. We have about members. Like all other social organistions, our activities are currently much curtailed by Covid restrictions. But in normal tmes our social diary would contain at least two social events a month, for instance coffee evenings, wine and cheese parties, music evenings, and restaurant visits, and our summer garden parties. See our Diary Page for coming events. We have a very active Tennis Group , playing on Sundays throughout the year. More about the Tennis Group As well as our social events, we put on events from time to time for a wider audience, for instance stalls at Brighton Pride, London Pride, and the Croydon Summer Festival. For more about these events, see our Past Events page. CAGS is run by a Committee elected annually by the members. See our Constitution for more details.

Croydon Clocktower Library. Related Posts.


For contact details, see our " How to join " page. We have about members. Like all other social organistions, our activities are currently much curtailed by Covid restrictions. But in normal tmes our social diary would contain at least two social events a month, for instance coffee evenings, wine and cheese parties, music evenings, and restaurant visits, and our summer garden parties. See our Diary Page for coming events. We have a very active Tennis Group , playing on Sundays throughout the year. More about the Tennis Group As well as our social events, we put on events from time to time for a wider audience, for instance stalls at Brighton Pride, London Pride, and the Croydon Summer Festival.

Gay club croydon

A post shared by The Karaoke Hole thekaraokehole. Is singing tunes your idea of a fun night out? They also have host shows, and bottomless prosecco pizza parties — do you need any more reason to go? With weekly pub quizzes and lively DJ nights, this place is surely a favourite amongst locals in Soho and beyond. A post shared by She Soho shesohobar.

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Very bushy, with lots of nooks and crannies. Purley Way. Small cottage with one cubicle and long. They were hoping to put a stop to the cruising. For more information on how the data behind this article was collected, see our methodology. Quiet area. Backed by the local vicar, they are trying to get gay cruisers out! One Response. Whitgift Centre, Croydon. A great wash room busy at lunch times all sorts of guys use it. It's a small toilet with two cubicles and a and a. Knock three short times on far right cubicle if you want a tasty treat Can have some real good fun without no-one noticing. These cookies do not store any personal information.

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As well as our social events, we put on events from time to time for a wider audience, for instance stalls at Brighton Pride, London Pride, and the Croydon Summer Festival. Small cottage with one cubicle and long. LB of Croydon. Whitgift Centre 1st Floor Toilets. Crowd: All passing trade. Virgin Active Croydon Central. Not very busy. One Response. Necessary Necessary. CAGS is run by a Committee elected annually by the members. West Croydon Bus Stop. Its relative remoteness may have served it well when it served as a semi-secret rendezvous for the LGBT community, but now, when people have the option of satellite TV, cheap alcohol and the option to smoke indoors in the privacy of their own home, perhaps a pub like the Bird in Hand is just too much of an inconvenience. We have a very active Tennis Group , playing on Sundays throughout the year. Cubicles are quite private -- cubby hole at far end of urinals. Hey, Dont mind travelling into

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