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Gay classifieds

Now that Craigslist Personals are no more, you may find yourself looking for alternatives in Also, you should be aware that some of these pages may have similar issues to gay classifieds ones that plagued Craigslist and ended up getting them taken down. So, please take into account the following disclaimer, gay classifieds.

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Gay classifieds


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Gay classifieds

When Craigslist closed its personals section, many people mourned the loss of their favorite online dating platform. While Craigslist is known for its traditional classified listings, many people used Craigslist to find local dates, casual meetings, and more. The platform was simple to use, and best of all, it was free. If you miss the personal ads from Craigslist, you're in luck. After the website was shut down, a whole crop of new personals sites popped up to take its place. On this list, you'll find several Craigslist personal alternatives to find everything found on Craigslist personal ads. If you're interested in sites like Craigslist, it's safe to say you may want to spice up your love life. If that's the case for you, AdultFriendFinder will have a lot to offer. This site was created specifically for any type of relationship that might be slightly unconventional. AFF is one of the best Craigslist personals replacements because of its open-minded community.

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This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. HealthyFling, like Ashley Madison, emphasizes discretion. Ashley Madison. Check out our full review here. With more than three million users in the U. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You can always go for the Premium membership, of course, if you want to unlock more features. That said, it also has the same types of categories as Craigslist Personals had: women seeking women, men seeking women, etc. Formerly known as Yumi, Kasual is a nice alternative to Craigslist and the other sites mentioned here because it has a pretty unique premise. Although Craigslist Personals were banned, luckily there are plenty of alternatives available. Home Classifieds. You can download it for iOS or Android, which is always nice. Classified Ads Classified Ads is, well, exactly what it sounds like. Unfortunately, you have to sign up in order to browse or post an ad.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. The U.

Classified Ads. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. From there, you can start messaging and see what happens. Doublelist is quite similar to Craigslist. Go to mobile version. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Bedpage, as you might guess from the name, is more of a direct Backpage alternative. Craigslist Wait, what? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

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