garfield comic strip

Garfield comic strip

Created by Jim Davis, Garfield is a mega-popular comic strip that has been running since The series concerns the lazy, sardonic, food-loving house cat Garfield, garfield comic strip Odie, and their bumbling owner Jon Arbuckle as they get into daily mischief in Muncie, Indiana.

Odie made his Garfield debut in , changing the Arbuckle household from that point on. Odie brought a lightness and fun spirit to the Garfield comics that was a departure from the more sardonic laced quips of the famous lasagna-eating cat before Odie's appearance. As a result, the dim-witted trait of the character made its way into the strip, even though future strips revealed that Odie was a lot smarter than he let on. A beagle that gives fellow pedigree Snoopy a run for his money, Odie became a fan-favorite character, with him and Garfield becoming an iconic duo that made it hard to separate one from the other. This led to the creation of a host of funny and even sometimes heartwarming strips that saw Odie as the star. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Garfield knows that Odie is as happy as they come.

Garfield comic strip

Garfield is an American comic strip created by Jim Davis. Originally published locally as Jon in , then in nationwide syndication from as Garfield , it chronicles the life of the title character Garfield the cat, his human owner Jon Arbuckle , and Odie the dog. As of , it was syndicated in roughly 2, newspapers and journals and held the Guinness World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip. Though its setting is rarely mentioned in print, Garfield takes place in Jim Davis's hometown of Muncie, Indiana , according to the television special Happy Birthday, Garfield. Common themes in the strip include Garfield's laziness, obsessive eating, love of coffee and lasagna , disdain of Mondays , and dieting. Garfield is also shown to manipulate people to get whatever he wants. The strip's focus is mostly on the interactions among Garfield, Jon, and Odie, but other recurring characters appear as well. The deal did not include the rights to the live-action Garfield films, [2] which are still owned by The Walt Disney Company through its 20th Century Studios label, as well as the upcoming animated film The Garfield Movie which is set for worldwide distribution by Sony Pictures under its Columbia Pictures label, except in China, scheduled for Cartoonist Jim Davis was born and raised in Muncie, Indiana. In , while working as an assistant for T.

Garfield's Thanksgiving.


Getting its start in the '70s, the Garfield comic strip has been a fan favorite of newspaper readers since its publication. One of the most beloved comic strips, Garfield is a fan-favorite character who loves lasagna and can't be bothered to make an effort to do just about anything. A big reason why Garfield stands out to so many people is that he is relatable for his aversion to Mondays. For anyone who has ever had a case of the Monday morning blues, these funny comic strips will bring the smiles and be more than relatable. Garfield never failed to throw some pointed jabs John's way. Interestingly enough, his funny but rude sentiment is something many Monday haters can relate to. After a weekend, especially one filled with some good-natured imbibing, Monday morning comes and some people look worse for wear. With another work or school week starting, the reluctance can manifest itself in some early morning grogginess and unkemptness, something this comic strip points out.

Garfield comic strip

Garfield is an American comic strip created by Jim Davis. Originally published locally as Jon in , then in nationwide syndication from as Garfield , it chronicles the life of the title character Garfield the cat, his human owner Jon Arbuckle , and Odie the dog. As of , it was syndicated in roughly 2, newspapers and journals and held the Guinness World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip. Though its setting is rarely mentioned in print, Garfield takes place in Jim Davis's hometown of Muncie, Indiana , according to the television special Happy Birthday, Garfield. Common themes in the strip include Garfield's laziness, obsessive eating, love of coffee and lasagna , disdain of Mondays , and dieting. Garfield is also shown to manipulate people to get whatever he wants. The strip's focus is mostly on the interactions among Garfield, Jon, and Odie, but other recurring characters appear as well. The deal did not include the rights to the live-action Garfield films, [2] which are still owned by The Walt Disney Company through its 20th Century Studios label, as well as the upcoming animated film The Garfield Movie which is set for worldwide distribution by Sony Pictures under its Columbia Pictures label, except in China, scheduled for Cartoonist Jim Davis was born and raised in Muncie, Indiana. In , while working as an assistant for T.

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Two particular examples are Lillian, an eccentric and very nearsighted old lady with odd quirks, and Greta, a muscle-bound woman who was hired to look after the pets during New Year's Eve. Cats notoriously loathe baths, and Garfield is no exception. In one memorable affair, Garfield did his best to impress a female feline by bragging about the various birds he's eaten in his life. Most strips center around interactions among the three characters' conflicting personalities. Article Talk. Another story involved Jon going away on a business trip around Christmas time, leaving Garfield a week's worth of food, which he devoured instantly. Garfield, reading the report card: "Jon has not shoved any crayons up his nose this term. Won [44]. Garfield is usually the more successful prankster, but Odie has had his shining moments as well. Retrieved January 8, He is not descriptive, so animals including an elephant, monkeys , a seal , a snake, a kangaroo and joey , and turtles are brought to Jon's house for the reward. This section may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience. Garfield is an American comic strip created by Jim Davis.

This is the list of all comic strip pages displayed on this wiki. The list goes by the publication date of each comic strip. Garfield Wiki Explore.

The Washington Post. Jackson joined the voice cast as Vic, Garfield's father. Updated on 14th June, by Fawzia Khan: Garfield continues to elicit a chuckle from readers to date. Three direct-to-video films were released by Paws, Inc. This list has been updated with more of these hilarious strips, sure to brighten up anyone's day. The former characteristic is wonderfully conveyed in a simple three-panel comic in which Garfield sees and woos himself in the mirror. France 3 Cartoon Network. Of course, Old Yeller is one of the saddest movies ever made. Archived from the original on December 21, Yet, Garfield is oblivious to the real reason behind his now hair covered tongue.

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