Gardenia court nursing home

If this is gardenia court nursing home business, you can claim it and manage the information shown to care seekers. Set up an account and mult34 your listing, to update your company name, address, telephone number and service information. In claiming this listing, you are confirming that this service belongs to you and you agree to only upload true and accurate information.

This profile is not registered with CareSourcer and uses information from third party data sources. This is my business. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. Specialist care designed to meet the challenges faced by people living with dementia. Care designed to provide quality support and comfort for people living with life-limiting conditions.

Gardenia court nursing home

This site uses services that use cookies to deliver a better experience and analyse traffic. You can learn more about the services we use in our cookies policy. Popular care services. Popular locations. Home Care Services. Popular retirement living options. Care guides. Other guides. About Lottie. Additional Information. Partner with Lottie. We haven't vetted this home. This means that we haven't assessed this home against our scoring system, and we're not able to provide prices or live room availability.

Popular locations. Care available.


The inspection: We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act the Act as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Act, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act Inspection team: The inspection was carried out by one adult social care inspector, an expert by experience, a specialist advisor and an assistant inspector on the first day. An expert by experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. The specialist advisor was a nurse. On the second day one adult social care inspector completed the inspection. Service and service type: Gardenia Court is a nursing home. People in nursing homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.

Gardenia court nursing home

Gardenia is often found in many homes and it bears many beautiful flowers. Name — Gardenia Family — Rubiaceae Type — indoor plant, shrub. First of all comes planting and repotting. Gardenia is most often used indoors in temperate climates because cool winters makes it impossible to grow gardenia out in the open. Planting gardenia outdoors is only possible if the climate is warm in summer and mild in winter, because it cannot survive freezing.

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CQC Rating Whats this? Adults over 65 years Adults under 65 years Hearing impairment Visual impairment Speech impairment Brain injuries. Additional Information. This site uses services that use cookies to deliver a better experience and analyse traffic. This means that we haven't assessed this home against our scoring system, and we're not able to provide prices or live room availability. Disclaimer In claiming this listing, you are confirming that this service belongs to you and you agree to only upload true and accurate information. To qualify, you must first arrange a care needs assessment. Mental health. Popular locations. Call You may be entitled to funding support from your local council in England to help with the cost of care. Is Gardenia Court Nursing Home regulated? Reveal Lottie's estimated pricing for this care home or explore other care services nearby. Other guides Data insight Location guides Lottie news How to support the elderly. Learning Disability.


Other guides. Care designed to provide quality support and comfort for people living with life-limiting conditions. Other guides Data insight Location guides Lottie news How to support the elderly. Gardenia Court Nursing Home has 29 rooms. Palliative and end of life care Care designed to provide quality support and comfort for people living with life-limiting conditions. Voted Excellent on Trustpilot. Lottie Logo. Adults over 65 years Adults under 65 years Hearing impairment Visual impairment Speech impairment Brain injuries. Requires improvement. Care Home Overview. Overall Requires improvement Read overall summary.

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