gar logan

Gar logan

Garfield Loganknown primarily as Beast Boy but for a time as Changelingis a green-skinned superhero who has the power to transform into any animal. Originally a member of the Doom Patrolhe joined the Teen Titans after the death of the other Patrollers. As a child, Garfield Logan contracted a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey, gar logan. This serum had the unintended effect gar logan turning his skin and hair green and gave him the gar logan to change into any animal form.

Garfield "Gar" Logan born c. Niles Caulder aka the Chief. Seeking adventure in the outside world, Gar befriended and rescued a girl named Rachel Roth and took her in. He eventually befriended her guardians, Dick Grayson and Kory Anders. Gar later joined the Titans and accompanied them on their mission to destroy a cult known as the Organization.

Gar logan

Beast Boy is Garfield "Gar" Logan, a young superhero with the power to take the form of any animal. Gar was born the son of biologists Mark and Marie Logan, who conducted experimental genetic research. As an infant, he contracted a deadly tropical disease which forced his parents to run a battery of experimental tests in an effort to save his life. The tests were successful, but came with the side effect of turning their son bright green and giving him incredible shape-shifting powers. The worst was yet to come, however. Not long after curing their son, Mark and Marie were victims of a fatal accident, leaving Gar orphaned and alone. Fortunately, the leader of a local tribe and family friend of the Logans, King Tawaba, stepped in to care for him—but the arrangement only worked for so long. The mercenaries kidnapped Gar and brought him back to America where they promptly set about forcing him to use his powers to aid them in their criminal activities. Already have an account with the League of Comic Geeks? Let's get you back to tracking and discussing your comics! Browse View Titles by Publisher or Series. New Comics View the Weekly Releases. Log in Sign up.

They were starting to talk back to their elders.

He has also gone under the alias Changeling. Created by writer Arnold Drake and artist Bob Brown , he is a shapeshifter who possesses the ability to metamorph into any animal he chooses. The character first appeared in Doom Patrol 99 November and is usually depicted as a member of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans. Beast Boy has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows, TV, and films, including as one of the Teen Titans in Cartoon Network 's eponymous series , voiced by Greg Cipes. He was one of the young super-heroes of the planet Lallor , who turned villain and was killed off in December , just after Garfield Logan's first appearance in the November issue of Doom Patrol. This Beast Boy was allowed a last-minute reformation and heroic death.

Garfield "Gar" Logan born c. Niles Caulder aka the Chief. Seeking adventure in the outside world, Gar befriended and rescued a girl named Rachel Roth and took her in. He eventually befriended her guardians, Dick Grayson and Kory Anders. Gar later joined the Titans and accompanied them on their mission to destroy a cult known as the Organization. As the Titans gained notoriety for their heroic acts in San Francisco , it was by this time that Gar officially became known as the hero Beast Boy. As a Titan, Gar fights against the Church of Blood and their leaders Mother Mayhem and Brother Blood all while dealing with a newly discovered connection to the mysterious plane known as The Red. Garfield Logan was born in c. Not much is known about Gar's childhood, but both Gar's father and mother traveled the world for work and would bring him along with them.

Gar logan

So…did any of you know that was coming? The journey helps Gar deal with the trauma of his past, while he forges an exciting future. However, the sheer scope of it was too big for a traditional breakdown, so I enlisted some help. Ryan brought so much to it. He brought so much personal emotion and his own journey of self-discovery. It was a really wonderful episode to work on and a great story to break with him. Animal Man readers might recognize some of the Easter eggs in this episode. The Parliament of Limbs can be seen, in addition to the lion-bat hybrid. When I first met with him about Freedom Beast, he took it very seriously. He researched the accent and found the character.

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While waiting for Dick to surface from the pit, Gar confided in Rachel that he was scared of what he was capable of and felt there was a psychological block preventing him from accessing his full capabilities. Despite all his struggles, Garfield is friendly, humorous and upbeat. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans , in any of its various incarnations. He does not shy away from extreme violence should the need call for it, even to the extent of possibly killing his opponents; as shown when he fights the Church of Blood acolytes as a gorilla. Bob Haney Bruno Premiani. This section is a stub. Gar stood on the sidelines as Rachel managed to defeat her father. In a private conversation with Red Robin, Gar reveals the events that led to the situation of this future is Jon Lane Kent the son of Superman and Lois Lane of this timeline went on rampage killing all metahumans, also states that Superboy is the clone of Jon Lane Kent, and finally tells Red Robin that his future self entrusted on him as Garfield was able to know his name, a thing that no other Titan knew, and that was all part of future Tim's plan to use Garfield as the source of this information for his past self, so he might be able to change the course of the future. This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Justice League of America members " category. This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans , in any of its various incarnations. Later Beast Boy started having nightmares with the remaining Ravagers all covered with blood. However, when stumbling across a mirror, he saw what appeared to be a reflection of himself with blood around his mouth. It was later revealed that the one causing his nightmares was Brother Blood as he was targeting the one who could be used as a key to his master gain access to The Red.

Beast Boy is Garfield "Gar" Logan , a young superhero member of the Teen Titans with the power to take the form of any animal. Through an unspecified incident, Garfield was granted the metahuman ability to act as a conduit for The Red , a semi-mystical energy field connected to all animal life on Earth; this connection turned his skin green and allowed him to take on the shape of any animal. After Garfield Logan's parents died, he was taken by Nicholas Galtry , who sought to access the fortune belonging to Garfield's parents—and, to this end, he attempted to have Garfield killed.

After Kory fled, Gar sat with Rachel to speak about what the predicament. In Gar's mind, he was talking to Rachel in the Titans Tower; Mercy pressed a button and classical music began to play which triggered their control over Gar. Gar stood on the sidelines as Rachel managed to defeat her father. The selected few are intended as a team to serve the organization N. Labs, Gar was frustrated wondering how the snake had even gotten in. Gar was next shown in the same coffee shop Dick and Rachel visited in the beginning of the season, seemingly normal and buying himself a drink. Caulder proceeded to experiment on Rachel by strapping her to a medical table but Rachel chose to abort the procedure. Seeking adventure in the outside world, Gar befriended and rescued a girl named Rachel Roth and took her in. Browse Stores Retailer Tools. After Conner was discovered to have been infected with parasitic snakes by Mother Mayhem, Gar warns Dick that they are in over their heads and expresses fears over Conner's welfare and the impending end of the world. DC comic character.

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