Funny star trek gif

Be creative with animated gifs. Gif animations are great to use as greeting cards, blog images or to share with friends on Facebook or email. I custom make Greeting Gifs for all major Holidays.

Now watching Enterprise. Probably will watch Voyager later. Discovery is good. Sure, both Adira and Gray Tal are non-binary and trans characters respectively and it is admirable they tried to have diverse representation in there. But the introduction of the Gray Tal character was very, very sloppy. Hmm I have no idea where you got that from since I said nothing suggesting that I do but whatevs. My biggest complaint about Disco thus far is the writing - that said I have not seen any of S3 which people have said is much better.

Funny star trek gif


Salrazeh-feathermoon November 21,pm ROFL yeah sure. Hmm I have no idea where you got that from since I said nothing suggesting that I do but whatevs.


Star Trek is a treasure trove of meme humor, checking almost all the boxes for viral success. The beauty of Trek is that it leans into that cultural response, always being open with its commentary on current affairs. These memes are here to make fun of all of those efforts. By injecting more lightness and humility into the Star Trek series to push and pull its audience, this list will hopefully succeed in aiding the original mission to explore the boundaries of our solar system, through these 20 Hilarious Star Trek Memes. As a general rule, you always protect your parent network. The prospect of a new series is enough to make a true fan pay almost any sum of money, but then again, should Star Trek only be marketed to true fans? Hopefully, CBS opens Discovery up to all audiences soon, instead of using it as an anchor to its streaming service. Red shirts!

Funny star trek gif


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Fathermazana-barthilas November 12, , pm Fathermazana-barthilas November 11, , pm 6. Grymauch-zangarmarsh Grymauch November 11, , pm 5. I think a lot of this improvement is owed to S2 effectively writing the show out of being a prequel. Be creative with animated gifs. Discovery is good. Happy Birthday Dog. But the introduction of the Gray Tal character was very, very sloppy. Roomchazzi-moon-guard Roomchazzi November 20, , am Have a wonderful day and please share our gifs.


Chroesire-bleeding-hollow Chroesire November 21, , pm Sure, both Adira and Gray Tal are non-binary and trans characters respectively and it is admirable they tried to have diverse representation in there. Cerendor-cenarion-circle November 11, , pm 9. Tovi-moon-guard Tovi November 11, , pm 4. This is my favorite of all the series. Fathermazana-barthilas November 11, , pm 6. Please notify the webmaster if you see a copyrighted animation that is not credited. My biggest complaint about Disco thus far is the writing - that said I have not seen any of S3 which people have said is much better. Tovi-moon-guard Tovi November 11, , pm 3. There is also a ton of amazing and funny gifs to look at. But the introduction of the Gray Tal character was very, very sloppy. Happy St Patrick's Day Gif. I custom make Greeting Gifs for all major Holidays. Math people! The cyborg girl, that is.

1 thoughts on “Funny star trek gif

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