Fire emblem three houses rhea

She is the archbishop and supreme leader of the Church of Seiros. She possesses a Major Crest of Seiros. She was previously Jeralt's superior when he was Captain of the Knights of Seiros until he left her employ in Wyvern Moon

Fire Emblem: Three Houses created some of the series ' most instantly-popular heroes, to the point that they swept the mobile game 's popularity contest in Much of the criticism directed at Rhea stems from Edelgard , the leader of the game's Black Eagles house. Edelgard claims that Reha exploits the faithful to control the world. However, examining the game's history reveals that Rhea is a far more complex and tragic figure than most of the characters in the game or those who have played it fully realize. These countries all have mixed relationships with Rhea's Church of Seiros. Adrestia has all but cut political ties to it and the others, while nominally loyal, are not necessarily devout.

Fire emblem three houses rhea

As a game that takes place in a monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses centers heavily around a strong and devout church system led by the Archbishop, Lady Rhea. Rhea is the character who gives Byleth a warm welcome to Garreg Mach Monastery in addition to offering them a teaching position at the connected school, the Officers Academy. But despite Rhea's initial warm and gentle vibe, there's a lot more to her than she lets on. As the story unfolds, she shows both the likable and controversial sides to herself, leaving many fans with mixed feelings about her as a character. Right off the bat, Rhea stands out with her elegant appearance. She not only has a gentle smile but also fancy attire to fit her high position as the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros. Her long dress and cape show off both class and authority. In addition, her long, pale green hair and flower crown are perhaps the two most iconic features of her design, which greatly resembles another historical figure from the Church of Seiros. Initially, Rhea came off as a calm and peaceful lady who wanted the best for the church and its people. However, the first big shift in her personality came after the incident with Lord Lonato.

That is not to say that she forces any under her service to be devout followers, as she is quite accepting of other people's ideologies such as Shamir and Cyril, but any who oppose the church with violence are responded to in kind, fire emblem three houses rhea, with Rhea labeling her retaliation as justice. What do you need help on? Khadein Gotoh Wendell Arlen Merric.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! That is all. She is the founder, patron saint and Archbishop of the Church of Seiros. She's also revealed to be the daughter of Sothis. Seiros is the founder of the Church of Seiros, which named after her. It is said she received a revelation from the Goddess that was a "gift to guide the lost. Seiros was not a normal human in fact, but a member of the Nabatean race, the children of the Goddess Sothis, who lived in Zanado, the Red Canyon, before Sothis was murdered by Nemesis, a bandit who was coerced by Those Who Slither in the Dark.

She is the archbishop and supreme leader of the Church of Seiros. She possesses a Major Crest of Seiros. She was previously Jeralt's superior when he was Captain of the Knights of Seiros until he left her employ in Wyvern Moon She serves as a key figure for the Officers Academy as well, assigning missions to the three houses each month. Rhea is actually a Nabatean , one of the original children of the progenitor god Sothis. She is also Seiros herself, the saint who founded the Church of Seiros , defeated Nemesis , and helped found the Adrestian Empire. Seiros was a name she chose when carrying out these tasks, rather than her real name. She and the other children coexisted with the native Agarthans and shared their knowledge with them, leading their shared civilization to become technologically advanced and prosperous. The Agarthans enacted various wars among themselves, eventually thinking of themselves as gods and turning on Sothis to kill her and the other Nabateans.

Fire emblem three houses rhea

As an avid Fire Emblem fan whose played through Three Houses multiple times, the character who intrigues me most is the cryptic Rhea — known to most as the benevolent Archbishop, but secretly harboring dark secrets and hidden motivations. First to understand Rhea, one must know her origin story as Seiros , born as one of the Nabatean dragonkin who could assume human form. She lived happily for centuries in Zanado the Red Canyon alongside her mother Sothis — an immensely powerful progenitor goddess figure to the Nabateans. As one of the few survivors of this horrific genocide, Rhea was consumed with grief over losing her family and entire culture virtually overnight. It also birthed a desperate ambition — she would one day bring her mother Sothis back to life again while punishing those responsible for Zanado. But privately she sought vengeance and attempted unsuccessfully to revive Sothis through ritual. Leveraging mystical awe around her and fabricated history about receiving revelation from the Goddess, Rhea formally established the Church of Seiros for both worship and consolidating control.

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Byleth can either remain loyal to the Church or defect to the Empire; in either case, Edelgard attacks Garreg Mach. Dragons are powerful albeit rare creatures that have made many appearances throughout the Fire Emblem franchise. This was due to Rhea's inability to bury Sitri, instead having planned a fake burial, moving her body into the Abyss, who Aelfric discovered five years after founding the Ashen Wolves. As a game that takes place in a monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses centers heavily around a strong and devout church system led by the Archbishop, Lady Rhea. When she's calm, her voice has a very motherly tone to it that is both gracious and comforting. She allied with her fellow survivors whose human forms came to be known as the Four Saints and Wilhelm I , to whom she granted her Crest, to oppose Nemesis in the War of Heroes , eventually killing Nemesis in battle at the Tailtean Plains and leading to the creation of the Adrestian Empire and the extended influence of the Church of Seiros with her as its head. He said he'd had an infusion of Crest-bearing blood, and it had greatly extended his life. I will punish you myself! Rhea deploys the Knights of Seiros to defend the monastery, but her attempt fails and the monastery is overrun. In Three Houses, it is the Archbishop who has the honors of transforming into the mythical beast. With no other options, Rhea transforms into the Immaculate One and intercepts most of the Javelins, but is gravely injured in doing so. It's a pretty stark contrast to her day-to-day life as the leader of the Church, but it really does suit her mysterious presence! In the end, Rhea did have to go, or at least weaken in influence. Little do they know that Rhea is in fact a child of Sothis , the progenitor god worshipped by the Church. Child of the former captain of the Knights of Seiros , Jeralt.

Artwork of Rhea from Three Houses.

Now, did Rhea think it possible that Byleth could also be a vessel for Sothis? She then rewrote history, claiming that the Crests were gifts from the Goddess to humanity, that the Ten Elites were her devout followers, obscuring Nemesis' original past and only leaving intact that he was a hero who fell from grace. After Rhea is defeated, she flies away to the Cathedral at Garreg Mach, Byleth following closely behind. Although not referred to as such in Three Houses , this is a condition similar to the degeneration that led Manaketes in past Fire Emblem games to fall into madness. You are all damned, with no hope of salvation. Dozel Lex Iuchar Iucharba. She probably didn't hold up high hopes for Byleth, except maybe "Natural born child from a homonculus, fathered by someone infused with my blood? Velthomer Saias Azelle. The pair's collective work came to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous. A stoic, capable professor at the Officers Academy, who was appointed to the post by Rhea. Read at your own risk! He saved me.

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