final fantasy noctis x reader

Final fantasy noctis x reader

A fluffy one where Noct spends all day teaching you how to sword fight and it ends with you guys cuddling on the beach. My boyfriend walked closer and barely even looked at me as he passed me by and went to pick up his sword. He tossed me my own wooden sword, which I immediately caught first try.

Book 1 Prince Noctis of Lucis was a lonely child when he returned from Tenebrae after his wounds had healed. That is until he was befriended by a young commoner girl who showed him the meaning of true friends. Her friendship with the young up and coming prince also helped her to show the prince what it means to tr So when someone asks him if there is anything he would wish for in his life he simply brushed it aside and thought of it as nothing making a lame ass wish that he didn't expect to come true. You are separated from the chocobros except for noctis after a huge blizzard, and you have to camp the night in the cold, wintery scene The sequel to Hidden Feelings. You are finally happily married to Noctis but this doesn't last forever.

Final fantasy noctis x reader

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Random short stories of you and the prince. I make these up as I go so hopefully you guys enjoy them! I try my best to make them cute as possible. Noctis x Reader The Valkyrie Princ This 20 years old princess is on a journey with her two companions. Her journey is My Unique Lover Noctis x Reader She found out that she was chosen one to help and protect Noctis on a journ As the youngest member of the Kingsglaive, your job has always been relatively simple, even if your life hasn't been. You are - as the name of the organization you've d

I wanted to forgive him, but I also wanted him to learn the lesson.

Originally posted by ffxvcaps. Even you knew when to quit. You hope they get lost. Because this time, the top is down. The chilly night air nips at your arms and legs, sending shivers throughout your body from moment to moment. Now, there are no windows- no doors to block the sounds that will eventually come forth. And most of all?

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. You, the only female member of the traveling group of Insomnians, find yourself ensconced in relationships with each of them as you journey across Duscae on a mission to get the Prince of Lucis married, bring the power hungry Empire to heel, and discover the true meaning and strength of your bonds together. Traveling along with the Chocobros on a road trip to Altissia ends up taking an interesting turn when latent attraction between the only woman companion and the normally well-composed chef boils over. After indulging in an unexpected dalliance with Ignis, you find yourself being challenged next by the Prince's Shield in more than just one way. Confused about the unexpected dalliances that you've started forming with half of the traveling band of Insomnians, an impromptu photography session with the sunshine boy garners unexpected results. Frustrated and confused over your continuing exploits with the Chocobros, you decide to confront Ignis over his apparent nonchalance regarding your relationship with them and get a little bit more than what you bargained for.

Final fantasy noctis x reader

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

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The Prince of Pain 2 1. I still carried my sword in my hand, but in a real fight he would kill me before I could swing my weapon at him. This turns into the second tussle of the night with the roles reversed. You tug at them slowly, pulling the fabric down his legs inch by inch until a nice little present spring free. After Prompto sneezed, it startled the young woman to fall into the large pond that are surrounding t Try Premium. Lucis, Insomnia. I hold my hand out for my phone but he instead takes it to pull himself up. Reluctantly, and hating to see him in such a mood, I acquired my own fighting stance. Anything is accepted. His hands go to his hair dramatically.

All smut and fluff requests are open! Warnings are posted at the beginning of the chapters.

I'll give this story a rating of T for Teen. That is until one Exalt carries the fusion of both brands, she who has experienced multiple wars or battl How your shy and unconfident self, managed to join the Crowned Prince of Lucis and his retainers is a mystery to you. His face was an expressionless one, mysterious and baffling. His tail thumps against the sofa. After Prompto sneezed, it startled the young woman to fall into the large pond that are surrounding t Not giving an explanation bothers Noctis enough for him to pester me. Random short stories of you and the prince. If you're still This is the story of a night owl, who's mind evades sleep. The magic tends to destroy electronics…like phones. This 20 years old princess is on a journey with her two companions. Okay, this is rather brutal so read at your own risk. I frowned, wondering what he was doing, and opened my mouth to ask. He took us both back inside and only put me down once we were back at the spot we were in before, carefully putting me to my feet and lovingly staring at me.

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