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These kdramas and Korean movies aged poorly. When I pour over a kdrama and study its themes and characters, I do it in the hope of finding a spark of Shakespeare in it. I want a writer who has acquired enough pearls film exotique gratuit wisdom to string together into a drama that engages my mind and soul. Ultimately, film exotique gratuit, I judge favorably a kdrama that has enriched my understanding of the world.

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The screenwriter as we know is Park Hye Run. The director is familiar to us, too. He collaborated with Ms. I think the director used something less obvious…. However, the director DID use the same technique of floating something in the sky to connect the past and the present moments. He used the drone. Thanks pkml3! We have two mysteries instead of one here: — Find the OTP. End of episode 2: the lyrics of the song. But while rewatching episode 2… I found this could be Woo Hak for valid reasons. I found that while trying to understand what is the family the two brothers live with.

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