fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout new vegas best companion

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Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games. However much Fallout: New Vegas does or doesn't hold up, it still has some of the most unquestionably unforgettable characters of the franchise, especially regarding companions. And it's time those companions were fully examined and ranked. With memorable mechanics, memorable quests, and memorable characters, it's a favorite game for many a fan. Many of these memorable characters obviously include the possible followers that can accompany the Courier. And it's time to take a better look at them. This specialized Enclave eyebot certainly has an interesting story behind it.

Fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout is known for its companions. One of the many choices you can make is who you take along with you, each fitting different play styles and builds. Along with that, each of them is a colorful character in their own right with unique quests and characters related to them. And no game better exemplifies this than perhaps the most roleplay and choice-heavy entry: Fallout: New Vegas. Each of the 8 companions in New Vegas is a strong helper in combat and a strong personality with opinions about everyone and everything in the Mojave. So, it becomes hard to decide which ones to take along, and hopefully, this list may help you figure out which companion is the best. All of them help out a lot in gameplay while also being enjoyable. But someone has to be at the bottom, and Boone skews way too far into gameplay. To start with the positives, the Novak guard is one of the first companions you can get and one of the most powerful. His sniper shots will obliterate enemies across the battlefield. This entry may need a bit of explanation before the dog people get angry; after all, how can you not love a robot dog? But for the positives, Rex is part of one of the more fun factions of the game, The Kings.

Felicia Day is also rather annoying as a VA. Within the Fallout universe, the Enclave - the last remnants of the US Federal Government - has been a recurring antagonist throughout almost every game.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Fallout: New Vegas. Global Achievements. I have always liked hanging out with Boone.

There are eight different permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas for players to choose from. However, each of them has unique skills and combat abilities that are exclusive to them. Each follower also has their own backstory, and most of them have a quest that The Courier can complete. There are many different types of builds that players can create in Fallout: New Vegas, and each of them will have The Courier leveling up specific stats and using a different type of weapon. Certain followers should be used depending on the type of combat build The Courier is using, so that they can get the most out of their Fallout: New Vegas playthrough. Lily Bowen was a sweet old woman that was turned into a super mutant and who eventually found her way to Jacobstown. Although Lily might have a powerful appearance, she is a caring woman at heart that simply wants to protect those close to her. Lily uses melee weapons as her primary weapon type, which makes sense, considering that she is a super mutant and has a high strength stat. The personalities of the companions in Fallout: New Vegas are all quite interesting, but one of the most interesting in the game is Veronica.

Fallout new vegas best companion

Fallout: New Vegas holds a unique status within the Fallout franchise, mixing the more advanced technology and combative aspects of the newer Fallout 3 and 4, with the more story-focused and RPG elements of the original two Fallout games. However much Fallout: New Vegas does or doesn't hold up, it still has some of the most unquestionably unforgettable characters of the franchise, especially regarding companions. And it's time those companions were fully examined and ranked. With memorable mechanics, memorable quests, and memorable characters, it's a favorite game for many a fan. Many of these memorable characters obviously include the possible followers that can accompany the Courier. And it's time to take a better look at them.

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Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Being a robot, his armor rating and weaponry cannot be modified, unlike other companions. Posts: One of the stranger companions in New Vegas, Lily is certainly a memorable friend. Instead of punching, I ordered her to switch to ranged instead, and what followed was the light show from hell. Raul is among the few Fallout characters to have been alive before the Great War, kept alive through his ghoulification from radioactive Fallout. With the Lonesome Road expansion for Fallout: New Vegas installed, this companion can offer players a mobile Workbench, Reloading Bench, repairing services, and free energy weapon ammo. Raul has a similar sarcastic and joking nature to Cass, though much more cynical and a bit less vocal, making him a bold personality. Boone uses his signature sniper to defeat enemies that stand in the way of The Courier, and he is able to deal more damage in a single shot than most of the other followers in the game. Cassidy has a high perception stat, which makes her aim quite impressive while using ballistic guns like rifles. Additionally, each of Fallout: New Vegas ' companions offer different perks and sometimes services to players. You'd think a faction heavy related games like New Vegas would prefer to leave the very first companion to recruit to be somewhat neutrual to all factions, but the game was made by Obsidian, so Tunnel snakes rule! All of them help out a lot in gameplay while also being enjoyable. The best way is to go into the storage hut and repair the robot.

Wassup my fellow Fallout New Vegas fans!

Melee Build - Lily Bowen. The decision is made naturally through what you say in the quest, resulting in either him becoming more competent in fights and donning a vaquero outfit or his repairs becoming even better. Change language. Change language. This weapon deals a lot of damage when he wields it. More Topics from this Board. Where is price? But if the plain good guy isn't players' cup of tea, then perhaps this Brotherhood of Steel Scribe can appeal to the more morally gray Couriers, given Veronica's long, complicated history between herself, her family, the Brotherhood, and the Mojave. Despite the occasional snark, Arcade is one of the more fun companions to have around. Lily Bowen is a peaceful nightkin living at Jacobstown. Originally posted by Skarmo :. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. There are eight different permanent companions in Fallout: New Vegas for players to choose from.

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