fallout 76 steam charts

Fallout 76 steam charts

Fallout 76 - Steam Stats Providing Steam statistics and charts - revenue estimates, pricing and other stats on Fallout Quick Stats.

Realtime game analysis and charts Not Games Found. GameCharts Steam Fallout Fallout Store in steam. Month Avg. About Fallout 76 Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online multiplayer role-playing game.

Fallout 76 steam charts

Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Boardwalk Paradise is the first of two updates in the Atlantic City Story. Roll the dice and take on two new Missions in an all-new Expedition set on the famous Boardwalk. Night on The Town — Participate in a sensational game show on the Boardwalk or try your luck at the casino in playable games. Hit the Jackpot - Win big in Atlantic City and bring home a piece of it, including casino games for your C. The High Stakes Bundle includes the following bonus in-game C. Kit: Build your very own Atlantic City. Fulfill your Civic Duty with this Power Armor! Honey Pot 'o Gold Slot Machine: With a little bit of sweet luck you will be over the rainbow Aquarium of the Atlantic Door: What treasures await you in the deep seas behind this door? All Rights Reserved. Persistent broadband internet connection required. Acceptance of end user license agreement, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy, and account registration required to play. Product may be discontinued, and content modified, disabled, suspended or removed, at any time. Product requires installation of application software.

Reclamation Day, Month Avg.


Bethesda Game Studios welcome you to Fallout Twenty-five years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers emerge into post-nuclear America. Explore a vast wasteland in this open-world multiplayer addition to the Fallout story. This chart shows Fallout 76 's Steam rating and reviews from April to December Steam's rating is varying from With The chart is compatible with a long tailed distribution , which suggests there was a good visibility at launch but that it was not followed by significant updates or discounts.

Fallout 76 steam charts

Fallout 76 , Bethesda's multiplayer survival spin on its cherished post-apocalyptic IP, has surpassed After years of ardently clawing back the credibility lost by an abysmal initial reception, Fallout 76 has arrived at a good place, with steady growth, well-received content patches, and refined quality of content many now consider worthy of the Fallout pedigree. Released in October , Fallout 76 was Bethesda's vision of players surviving alongside one another in an irradiated West Virginia. At launch, that vision was mired in game-breaking bugs, a general lack of meaningful objectives, questionable design decisions, and the controversial absence of human NPCs.

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All 96, Steam Purchasers 50, Other 45, Players by region. Bundle info. Quick Stats. All Reviews:. Select Select. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks. Bethesda Softworks. Bethesda Game Studios. Get Business Access to unlock this. Unlock with an Indie or Business subscription. When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out.

Realtime game analysis and charts Not Games Found. GameCharts Steam Fallout

See all. Player Insights. GameCharts Steam Fallout Includes 69 Steam Achievements. In Cart. Developers: Bethesda Game Studios. Boardwalk Paradise is the first of two updates in the Atlantic City Story. Change language. There is more than one way to buy this game. Indie subscribers will be able to see the last 4 quarters of data while business subscribers can see data from onwards. Click HERE for more information. Unlock with an Indie or Business subscription Indie accounts access four quarters of data. Select a purchase option.

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