Fallout 4 vs new vegas

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Fallout 4 vs new vegas

One would be hard-pressed to talk about some of the most legendary gaming franchises of all time without mentioning the behemoth that is the Fallout series. Originally a product of Interplay Entertainment, Fallout switched publishers and ended up with Bethesda, which did a fine job of bringing over the complexity and nuance of the Fallout series into a first-person perspective with Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. However, there's a sizable section of the fanbase that believes that the Fallout series wasn't really done justice by Bethesda themselves, but rather by another video game development studio that took over the reins and delivered a role-playing experience that was more in line with the franchise's roots. It doesn't take an expert to state that the studio in question here is Obsidian Entertainment, with their title Fallout: New Vegas being widely considered by many to be superior to Bethesda's offerings. However, this topic has been the subject of furious debate time and time again, with both sides putting forth valid points in favor of their preferred game. To contextualize this argument, here are five points each detailing out why one of these games surpasses the other in terms of quality. Updated March 16th, by Ritwik Mitra: The Fallout fanbase is divided down the line when it comes to selecting the best 3D game in the franchise. While Fallout 4 is definitely the most polished and updated experience on many fronts, most people consider New Vegas to have a charm of its own that elevates it to new heights in the eyes of most Fallout fans. Regardless of what games fans may choose to try out, there's no denying the fact that both these games will definitely prove to be a blast in their own right. If there's one aspect of New Vegas that has received universal praise from fans, it's the fact that the game's systems are expertly crafted to help players get through, regardless of their build. This means that every stat in the game is meaningful in some way, allowing gamers to engage in a role-playing experience unlike anything else released at that time. While New Vegas might emerge as the clear victor when it comes to the narrative, it falls short by quite a wide margin when it comes to gameplay.

Log In Sign Up. You can debate if graphics are important or not all day but story is one of the most important aspect of any game, unless designed to have little to no story games live and die by their writing, I'm not going to judge a book by how attractive the font is and how fallout 4 vs new vegas the pages look, I'm going to need good writing. The most prominent mechanic that hammers in this point is the settlement building and managing present in the game.


The Fallout franchise is one of the greatest in the history of video gaming, with each new release being highly anticipated by fans as the franchise has built a reputation for incredibly detailed, complex, and entertaining video games. Arguably two of the greatest Fallout games though a case could be easily be made for Fallout 3 as well are Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas, with each game having its own reasons for being the standout of the series. While fans will debate until they're blue in the face about which is the greater game, within this list, we will provide five reasons why each game is greater than the other to help settle any arguments. Straight out of the gate with one of the more obvious benefits to playing Fallout 4 is the graphics, which are far more advanced and detailed within the entire game in comparison to New Vegas. While New Vegas' graphics are certainly impressive and still stand up to this day, the fact that Fallout 4 is the newer of the two games meant that the chances were always high for it having greater graphics. Every single detail seems to have been focused on within this game, with everything looking sharp and clear, which is a major credit considering how vast and detailed the map is. While every Fallout game encourages exploring, hence why the maps are so large and detailed, it does feel like New Vegas really encourages players to explore in greater detail than any other game in the franchise.

Fallout 4 vs new vegas

The Fallout series is known for being innovative, interactive, and accessible to many gamers through use of great writing, gameplay, and overall atmosphere. It's one of my all-time favorite games out there, and I'm not alone in that. Bethesda kicks some major butt in making an environment that is immersive, realistic, and makes it feel like we have landed right in the middle of a nuclear wasteland. The characters are dynamic, the choices feel real, and the radio is the perfect soundtrack to wandering. As a series, it's just great. The most recent installment is Fallout 4, which is by far the most impressive game in the series.

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Fallout 4 might not have the level of freedom that New Vegas sports, but it makes up for this with an overarching goal that any player would find it easy to get behind — finding their lost son. Official leader of the Illuminati. There's a pretty solid reason as to why Fallout: New Vegas is considered to be a role-playing masterpiece by most people who've experienced the title — the game is legendary for featuring some of the greatest writing ever seen in any video game. However, there's a sizable section of the fanbase that believes that the Fallout series wasn't really done justice by Bethesda themselves, but rather by another video game development studio that took over the reins and delivered a role-playing experience that was more in line with the franchise's roots. Unloading on enemies with a powerful weapon that is customized with state-of-the-art upgrades is one of the most satisfying moments in the entire game. I got my laser rifle, I head into a garage or some old office building, find it's full of super mutants I have to kill and when I walk away from things I have a bunch of rulers and bottles and bowling balls that I bring home, I dump them off for use in crafting I'll never do because I have all the gun mods I need. Change language. Morality has never been as grayer in any game as in New Vegas , no action is completely "right," with things rarely being black and white — something that can't be said for Fallout 4 , where the writing is somewhat more simple by comparison and the distinction between good and bad is way clearer. Gods forbid you be put on a linear path for a whole 2 hours, how ever did you survive D: Official leader of the Illuminati. DrakoVongola1 8 years ago 7. Side Quest. By contrast I can walk into the Saloon of Goodsprings and ask Trudy to tell me about the world and she will go on and on about current events for a good 5 minutes if you want, you got Easy Pete outside willing to tell you about his past as a scavenger, Sunny Smiles will tell you how to get around and not just by putting a marker on your map or how to make a bit of money, you go on from there and you can meet people at the quarry camp who teach you about money, you can ask about the NCR when you get to their little base.. The same can't be said for Fallout: New Vegas , which provides gamers with so many options to complete quests and tasks that the player truly feels like The Courier is an extension of their being. The technical advancements present in Fallout 4 mean that the combat is the best the series has seen New Vegas is the only Fallout game I've yet to complete.

Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas may be part of the same series, but the two games have some significant differences. From the way they set up their stories to the games' open worlds, combat, and companions, the pair often pull in different directions when it comes to their core design principles. Both Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas also experimented with the Fallout formula in ways that the other game did not.

If there's one thing that can definitely be commended in Fallout: New Vegas — especially when compared to Fallout 4 — it's the game's diverse and engaging dialogue system. There's a pretty solid reason as to why Fallout: New Vegas is considered to be a role-playing masterpiece by most people who've experienced the title — the game is legendary for featuring some of the greatest writing ever seen in any video game. By contrast I can walk into the Saloon of Goodsprings and ask Trudy to tell me about the world and she will go on and on about current events for a good 5 minutes if you want, you got Easy Pete outside willing to tell you about his past as a scavenger, Sunny Smiles will tell you how to get around and not just by putting a marker on your map or how to make a bit of money, you go on from there and you can meet people at the quarry camp who teach you about money, you can ask about the NCR when you get to their little base.. Global Achievements. View mobile website. DaShavedMonkey 8 years ago 5 It's not "I would have 10, karma if it wasnt for all my moderated messages"! I just get bored of it by the time I get to that casino city thing. Is there any way to Kill Marowski with out having the entire town of Goodneighbor trying to kill you for ever? Showing 1 - 15 of comments. I'm sorry is that a serious question? I just could find the will to play New Vegas.

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