Factorio cheatsheet
What even is a cheat sheet? Here's how to use it in Factorio
In other languages:. The console is Factorio's in-game command-line interface. See command line parameters for the command line interface of the Factorio executable. When the console is open, you'll see a blinking cursor at the bottom of the screen; type your message or command and hit Return to send it this will also close the console. Documentation about message and command prefixes can be found further down this page. The console supports rich text tags. These tags are useful for sharing blueprints, marking map locations in chat or adding icons to map markers and train stations.
Factorio cheatsheet
Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Academic Documents. Professional Documents. Culture Documents. Personal Growth Documents. Factorio Cheat Sheet v1. Uploaded by Courtney Parker. Document Information click to expand document information Factorio Cheat Sheet v1.
In any game, cheating is simply inappropriate. Gets or sets various multiplayer game settings.
In other languages:. Controls are set by left-clicking them and then pressing the desired key combination. They can be cleared by right-clicking them. The keybindings can be reset in the controls settings menu. On the Nintendo Switch controls are set by pressing A and cleared by pressing Y. From Official Factorio Wiki.
Factorio cheatsheet
This documentation is for the 0. For more up to date info, see factoriocheatsheet. Numbers given are for a fully-compressed belt; note that inserting directly onto a belt will usually not fully compress it. Numbers from this Reddit post.
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Deleted chunks are affected by the setting change because they are newly generated when they get explored again. This allows to change the map generation settings for new chunks; it does not alter already generated chunks. Steve Jobs From Everand. For instance, this command prints the data from the Even Distribution mod:. Increasing will decrease performance, be careful. Jump to Page. On newly generated chunks no biters will be present, however all current biters will remain unaffected. Culture Documents. An empty whitelist disables the whitelist functionality allowing anyone to join. Regenerates resources on the entire surface. Namespaces Page Discussion.
What even is a cheat sheet? Here's how to use it in Factorio In any game, cheating is simply inappropriate.
Report this Document. For fluid resources like oil, sets the yield of all existing resource entities to the original amount. Well there is no direct way to use it in-game, it can be used as your reference to your journey in Factorio. Entering a number above 30 is not recommended. Available colors: default, red, green, blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple, white, black, gray, brown, cyan, acid. Toggles logging all input actions performed by the game. Use Remove all cliffs to delete existing cliffs. If much of the map is revealed, it increases the size of the save file. Used by the Toolbelt research. This command deletes chunks that are not revealed by the player. It applies in the game of Factorio as well.
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