Face split diving livescore 3

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This is so heartbreaking, being the mother of two sons I an only imagine how this boys parents and family must feel. My heart goes out to them. How amazing that he was still alive at that stage after so much damage to his skull. What a tragedy! Anon, it's not fake.

Face split diving livescore 3


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The Diving Accident Face Split was a life-altering event that dramatically changed one young mans life. The accident left Nick with severe spinal cord injuries, paralysis from the neck down and facial disfigurement. He faced months of rehabilitation, including surgery to piece his face back together after the split. His recovery process was long and difficult, but with strength of mind and will power he persevered. Nick is now an advocate for spinal cord injury awareness, speaking at events worldwide to raise funds for research and help others who have suffered similar fates. His powerful story serves as an example of strength in adversity and how determination can lead to triumph against seemingly insurmountable odds. Overview: On October 17th, , a group of six divers in the Philippines were involved in a horrific accident that left two of them with severe facial injuries. This resulted in his mask being ripped off and his face being split open from the force of the blow. Both Vincent and Rico were rushed to the nearest hospital for emergency care and treatment.

Face split diving livescore 3

Face Split Incident , also known as the Face Split Accident or Diving Face Split Video , is a viral gore video in which a man dives off a bridge aiming for the water but instead splits open his face vertically. The jump video is then followed by footage of the man in the ER, showing that he's still conscious as a doctor pushes his face back together that's split down the middle. It was purportedly filmed in Beruit, Lebanon sometime in June It gained infamy online during the late s after it was posted to Reddit , potentially first surfacing on the now defunct website Liveleak. The video later gained increased awareness in and , via newfound notoriety on TikTok as a form of shock media. Very Graphic!!

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The water has gone completely red in this horrifying image from the video. To the guy who said this was fake and it is shotgun suicide, you are dead wrong. Hey robert where did that happened?? This brings back awful memories of when I did a back dive off of the side of the pool and came up, smashing my face on the cement siding. Personally, I wish I could gather up the funds and move to Canada. Thank you. You said that he wasnt given the best medical treatement. His family will always be in my prayers. In the hospital portion of the video, he was likely under heavy sedation - nowhere near conscious. Am I right when I think that evan if this happens in a country with the best modern medicine care and equipment in such a horrible injury is nothing to do? Robert, Hi Robert, this is the first time I'm writing. I can do, say or write anything in any way a man can - oh and I can do that on heels!! There is no need to show off.

Published: 2 months ago. The lure of the deep blue is undeniable.

Adverse reactions, some debilitating, have lasted up to two weeks. It's not possible that the trousers have slipped downwards upon impact as in that case they would not be covering the boy's bottom - so I'm beginning to doubt that the boy that is floating and the boy that actually jumped is the same boy - in fact for a moment the person filming diverts the shot. I haven't done that yet. Really, given your reply youd think we were poking their corpses or something not as if theyd even give a damn then.. Well said , it's unfortunate some comments are so "ignorant". Don't put yourself at risk and other people around you!!!! You know you don't want to believe it's real. Ever seen "Rashomon? I couldn't even finish watching it. What sad lives you must lead. The Latest. In one hand I feel terribly sorry for the kid and devastated for his family.

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