Exar kun

The character of Exar Kun was created by Kevin J.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Kun was apprenticed to the respected Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas , and in his days as a student he came across forbidden knowledge of the history of the Sith. Extremely confident in his abilities and naturally quick to anger, Kun was filled with a burning curiosity regarding the Sith and soon went on his quest to find out as much as he could. Kun's search led him to the planet Onderon , which had once been ruled by a Sith Lord named Freedon Nadd. With the help of a pair of Nadd's followers , Kun came across Nadd's tomb on Onderon's moon Dxun , and there was confronted with the spirit of the dead Sith himself.

Exar kun

A Human male, Kun was apprenticed to the respected Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, and in his days as a student he came across forbidden knowledge of the history of the Sith. Extremely confident in his own abilities and naturally quick to anger, Kun was filled with a burning curiosity regarding the Sith, and soon went on his own quest to find out as much as he could. Kun's search led him to the planet Onderon, which had once been ruled by a Sith Lord named Freedon Nadd. With the help of a pair of Nadd's followers, Kun came across Nadd's tomb on Onderon's moon Dxun, and there was confronted with the spirit of the dead Sith himself. Seeing in Kun a potential avenue to regain a physical form, Nadd directed the young Jedi to the ancient Sith homeworld of Korriban. There, Nadd conspired to grievously injure Kun, only healing the man when he accepted the dark side into his heart. Kun's next stop was to the moon Yavin 4, a place with its own Sith history—Kun enslaved the primitive Massassi living there and compelled them to build extensive temple complexes across the forested world. Soon afterward the fully corrupted Kun banished Nadd's spirit, having never trusted the old Sith, and in the process learned of several other nascent dark side users who had learned from Nadd. Seeing Nadd's other apprentices—Satal and Aleema Keto, Tetan nobles who had founded the Krath cult and conquered their native star system—as a threat, Kun set out to destroy them. Qel-Droma had been seduced by the dark side himself, and while the two briefly dueled, their battle was ended when the spirit of long-dead Dark Lord of the Sith Marka Ragnos appeared to proclaim the two fit to call themselves Sith Lords. Exar Kun was to be the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Qel-Droma his apprentice, and together they resolved to bring a Sith golden age back to the galaxy. In the early stages of the conflict, Kun traveled to the Jedi library world of Ossus, murdered the Jedi Keeper of Antiquities, Odan-Urr, and took possession of a rare Sith holocron. Kun then took several prospective Jedi followers back to Yavin 4, where he used the holocron's power to corrupt them and reshape them into his Brotherhood of the Sith.

Exar kun whole again, Kun rose feeling stronger than he ever had before. While the rest of the Jedi Order was meeting at the Conclave at Denebathe ever-curious Kun was putting exar kun Starstorm One down on the surface of Korriban, landing his ship in the long-forgotten tombs of the ancient Valley of the Dark Lords, exar kun. In accordance porn gay football Sith legends that told of alchemy that could turn a warrior into a god, Kun began a dark side ritual in the Temple of Fire where the power of the dark side would transform Zythmnr into "the greatest of all the Massassi.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! During the Imperial Era , crime lord Dryden Vos owned a desk with an obsidian slab as its base, which he had plundered from a Sith temple. The stone was carved with the warding spells, [5] as well as an inscription reading "Our temple honouring Sith Lord Exar Kun. Anderson and originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where he first appeared, albeit unnamed, in the novel Jedi Search [8] before being fully introduced in the sequel released that same year, Dark Apprentice. The reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas contains an illustration of a building resembling [13] the depiction of the Temple of Exar Kun from the video game Star Wars Galaxies. Wookieepedia Explore.

The character of Exar Kun was created by Kevin J. Kun first appeared as a dreamlike "dark man" in the trilogy's first novel, Jedi Search , and was properly introduced in the next novel, Dark Apprentice. Tom Veitch wrote the Tales of the Jedi which detailed Kun's life. I could've added more detail to the books. I spent more time writing the comics than the books.

Exar kun

Kun eventually rebelled against his teacher in a bid for forbidden knowledge that he craved due to his fascination with ancient Sith lore. This power he found was initiated by the spear of the ancient Sith Freedon Nadd on the planet Onderon. Eventually, Kun came across the tomb of the Sith Lord himself on the moon Dxun. Nadd would direct the young Jedi to the ancient Sith home world of Korriban to get a chance to regain physical form. Kun gave into the dark side and eventually enslaved the Massassi living on the fourth moon of Yavin and forced them to build temples across the moon. Afterwards he conquered the Krath cults star system. Qel-Droma had been seduced by the dark side and the two had a duel until the spirit of Marka Ragnos appeared to them.

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Using the ancient power held within the Corsair , Aleema would destroy the jump station, and whatever Republic and Jedi forces they could draw there, with Sith magic—it was meant to be a strike against the Republic, but secretly, it was also a way for Kun and Qel-Droma to get rid of the nuisances and traitors that were Crado and Keto. However, the rest of Skywalker's apprentices banded together and, with the help of the long-dead shade of Vodo-Siosk Baas, banished Kun's spirit and finally put an end to his schemes. In that moment, Kun had his final realization—the time had come to cast aside the Jedi ways and give in to his rage. The Brotherhood was defeated, and Exar Kun became a spirit that lived another years. I am a Jedi Knight and am free to come and go as I please. The way that he nonchalantly barged into the Senate building, announced the return of the Sith, killed the Supreme Chancellor, revealed a double-bladed lightsaber, and killed his old master is astounding. Disable this feature for this session. I'd take the edge off him. Over the coming years, Kun's spirit would continue to be bound to Yavin 4, slumbering restlessly. Kun sent his Brotherhood out into the galaxy to kill their Masters and wreak havoc. Kun was apprenticed to the respected Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas , and in his days as a student he came across forbidden knowledge of the history of the Sith. Kun was a strong and ruthless leader—able to command the Massassi with ease once he proved his dark side loyalty and might. As Kun's mortal body disintegrated, the incredible amounts of energy that surged forth from the Temple of Fire reacted with the wall of light cast down upon the moon by the Jedi forces, causing a massive fire that swiftly engulfed the jungles of Yavin 4. Determined to defeat the Republic and the Jedi, the newly minted Lords of the Sith made their first order of business to consolidate the space around the Empress Teta system, [25] having already gained the allegiance of Aleema Keto and her Krath cult.

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Although Kun called out to his former apprentice, Qel-Droma was unable to hear him, and soon left the vanquished Dark Lord behind. Using an ancient Sith technique that even he did not understand, Kun separated his spirit from his body in an attempt to elude capture. Kun then took several prospective Jedi followers back to Yavin 4, where he used the holocron's power to corrupt them and reshape them into his Brotherhood of the Sith. Disable this feature for this session. While Gantoris and the other apprentices learned at Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum , Kun again began to speak to Gantoris in his dreams, secretly instructing the man on how to build his own lightsaber and driving the Padawan towards the dark side. Administrators' noticeboard Discord. Recognizing Kun's power, Zythmnr ordered his warriors to bring Kun to the Temple of Fire , where Kun was chained to a Massassi altar to be the honored guest at a blood sacrifice. Meanwhile, Kun's corrupted charges fanned out into the galaxy to slay their Jedi Masters. With his help, the Republic launched a counterattack and defeated many of the Sith forces that opposed them. After Mandalore the Indomitable was killed on Dxun, his mantle was taken up by the [22] young Taung warrior [6] known as Mandalore the Ultimate , who withdrew the Mandalorian Crusaders from the conflict. Get App.

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