Ernie ball music man price

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Since the Ernie Ball Music Man family has been committed to achieving unequaled playability, beauty and consistency by finding the ideal balance between man and machine. At our factory in San Luis Obispo, California, we start with hand-selected tonewoods imported from only the finest wood suppliers in the world; bodies of alder, ash, poplar, basswood, mahogany, and maple are individually chosen and matched for their rich tonal qualities, consistent grain characteristics and exceptional natural beauty. Furthermore, each body and neck is hand-selected for weight and kiln-dried to ensure low moisture content and maximum stability. Each guitar neck is matched to its body with a polyurethane finish or hand-rubbed and polished with gunstock oil and wax to retain the natural feel of wood. Every fret is individually hand leveled and crowned by highly skilled craftsmen for ultimate comfort and playability. Our master painters use an exclusive custom mixed color coat. Three layers of high gloss polyurethane are then applied to the bodies producing a luxurious state-of-the-art finish.

Ernie ball music man price

The Axis guitar is offered with a roasted, figured maple neck, 22 stainless steel frets, and 2 exciting new finishes: Yucatan Blue and Roasted Amber. The guitar retains the features that have made it a classic such as the ever-comfortable asymmetric neck shape, double-locking tremolo, and custom DiMarzio humbuckers. Thanks for choosing Ernie Ball Music Man. By registering your instrument within the initial 12 month warranty period you are entitled to an additional 3 months of warranty coverage. That is 15 total months of factory warranty protection from the initial purchase date. Registering your instrument, whether or not it is covered under warranty, also provides a record that you owned that particular instrument. In the unfortunate instance that the instrument is lost, stolen or destroyed we can provide you with the serial number if needed. You have successfully registered your Music Man Instrument. Watch the factory tour and see how the difference is in the details. Sign up for the Ernie Ball mailing list. You may unsubscribe at anytime. United States. Yucatan Blue Quilt.

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The Majesty is the result of John's unwavering demand for high-performance and playability. One of the most well-balanced and innovative instruments available, the Majesty features a neck-through-body design, unparalleled upper fret access, ergonomic in-line control knob placement, and an advanced pickup switching system, which effectively eliminates the delay between pickup selection. The Majesty is the exemplification of everything we know a John Petrucci signature model to be - innovative technology, versatile performance, and a sleek modern feel. Built to John Petrucci's exact specifications, the Majesty is the result of John's unwavering demand for performance, playability, and tone. The Majesty features John Petrucci Dimarzio Dreamcatcher and Rainmaker pickups voiced to perfectly amplify the tone woods and deliver John's latest tonal range. The Majesty features a perfectly balanced lightweight neckthrough body design, delivering unparalleled access to all 24 stainless steel frets, super smooth tremolo system, and ergonomically optimized control layout. Hand-selected tonewoods imported from only the finest sustainably sourced wood suppliers in the world; bodies of alder, basswood, mahogany, and maple are individually chosen and matched for their rich tonal qualities.

The Bongo represents everything a modern bass should be: well balanced, comfortable, resonant, and expressive with effortless playability. The double-cutaway basswood body design is of superior construction and along with a 24 fret finished neck offers unimpeded access for high register two-octave fretwork. The Bongo is available with two Ernie Ball Music Man proprietary humbucking pickups, 4 band eq, Neodymium magnets, and 18V active preamp that delivers a powerful combination of unparalleled tonal diversity. Thanks for choosing Ernie Ball Music Man. By registering your instrument within the initial 12 month warranty period you are entitled to an additional 3 months of warranty coverage. That is 15 total months of factory warranty protection from the initial purchase date. Registering your instrument, whether or not it is covered under warranty, also provides a record that you owned that particular instrument. In the unfortunate instance that the instrument is lost, stolen or destroyed we can provide you with the serial number if needed.

Ernie ball music man price

The John Myung artist series Bongo is a sleek, ultra-modern 6 string bass crafted and perfected to John's exacting specifications. With over a decade long refinement process, John and the Ernie Ball Music Man engineering team have addressed a multitude of design features to further enhance comfortability, playability, and overall performance. Some key features include a simplified control layout with preprogrammed equalization, a perfectly balanced compact basswood body mated to a maple neck with 5 string nut width for tighter string spacing, and a golden ratio fretboard utilizing a combination of rosewood and roasted maple for an elegant aesthetic. This instrument is truly an artist inspired design that facilitates John's needs as a performance artist and master technician. Thanks for choosing Ernie Ball Music Man. By registering your instrument within the initial 12 month warranty period you are entitled to an additional 3 months of warranty coverage.

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Phone Number awaiting input. Percussion Cajons. EB will pay shipping costs to return the unit to it's owner. Hi Tech. DJ Cases. Sign up and get an all-access pass to be the first to know about new products, contests, content series, and more. How we make guitars in the USA Since the Ernie Ball Music Man family has been committed to achieving unequaled playability, beauty and consistency by finding the ideal balance between man and machine. City awaiting input. Majesty Highlights. Passive Speakers. At our factory in San Luis Obispo, California, we start with hand-selected tonewoods imported from only the finest wood suppliers in the world; bodies of alder, ash, poplar, basswood, mahogany, and maple are individually chosen and matched for their rich tonal qualities, consistent grain characteristics and exceptional natural beauty.

Featuring innovative design characteristics engineered specifically for Jason's exacting technique, the Richardson Artist Series Cutlass offers unique features and aesthetics that will give players a fresh look at one of our most popular models. Built to Jason Richardson's exact specifications, the Cutlass incorporates a multitude of design features to further enhance comfortability, playability, and overall performance.

Kaizen Collection. Portable Recorders. Your Custom Options: Model:. Watch Videos Buy Now. Any warranty implied by law, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness, is expressly limited to the one 1 year warranty term. Sell your Guitar or Trade it. Headphone Amps. Ernie Ball, Inc. Three layers of high gloss polyurethane are then applied to the bodies producing a luxurious state-of-the-art finish. EB will pay shipping costs to return the unit to it's owner. With its powerful humbucking pickup and 5-string configuration, this bass guitar is favored by players who demand depth and clarity in their low-end frequencies. Last Name. Sabre Collection 2 instruments. Sign up for the Ernie Ball mailing list.

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