erin hanson artist

Erin hanson artist

Erin Hanson creates vibrant and inspiring landscapes in her signature modern blend of classic impressionism and expressionism, which is becoming well known as "Open Impressionism. Raised in the Southern California Painting, 32 W x 40 Erin hanson artist x 2 D in. Painting, 46 W x 24 H x 2 D in.

Often referred to as an Impressionist, Erin Hanson designates the nature as her greater influence. Inspired by van Gogh , The Group of Seven, the early California Impressionist, and Japanese art, everything she sees shapes the way she looks at things, structure, color, and composition. Her first insight into the world of art as business was her engagement at a mural studio during the teenage years. She earned a Bachelor of science at UC Berkeley. Starting a business after the studies, she moved to Las Vegas and on her way to a new city she was fascinated by a desert sunset over the stark mountain peaks. Overwhelmed by a burning desire to paint again, she promised herself she would create one painting every week, despite everything else. It was ten years ago and she is still keeping her promise.

Erin hanson artist

Please contact us about exploring a custom commission by this artist. However, the artist may be able to create another similar artwork. Read about the commission process and contact us to explore further. The rocky coast of Pebble Beach is captured here in vivid color and lush brush strokes. I was drawn to this scene because I wanted to capture the warm dawn light casting a rainbow of luminescent color over the rocks and cypress trees, a beautiful contrast against the cool blue waters. This painting has sold. Her passion for natural beauty is seen in her work as she transforms vistas familiar and rare into stunning interpretations of bold color, playful rhythms and raw emotional impact. Her frequent forays into National Parks and other recesses of nature include backpacking expeditions, rock climbing, and photo safaris. These oil paintings are created wet-on-wet, without layering, relying on the vibrant underpainting for a transparency effect. Open-impressionism is all about capturing impressions of a landscape, memories and fleeting glimpses of color. I am not trying to re-create a photograph, I am trying to get my viewers to open their eyes and see their world a little differently.

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It was a popular one. I love the Canadian impressionists The Group of Seven. I get my daily inspiration directly from nature, however. The beauty of an early dawn illuminating a National Park, quiet and calm in the off-season, is one of my favorite inspirations. I also love painting California wine country and rugged coastal landscapes.

It was only after rock climbing on these sunkissed ochres, mauves, and reds that Hanson decided to pursue a career in art. PC : Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you got started in the art world? EH : I think all of us begin as artists, and like many small children I sketched what I saw around me and painted with various mediums from watercolors and inks to oils. I was lucky enough to go to a small private school that had a rich arts program and an art teacher that fostered my love of painting through most of my formative years. I worked in a mural studio when I was teenager, where I became the official color-mixer, mixing gallons of acrylic paint to match colors the lead artist made up in little dixie cups. I decided to fully pursue the arts as a career when I was well out of college with a degree in bioengineering and had started my own business that was rolling along well and offered me time to rock climb and explore the natural landscapes of Nevada and Utah. I have always loved impressionism but my greatest source of inspiration has always been natural landscapes. It was kind of a brilliant moment when I managed to connect these two passions and ended up deciding to paint one piece a week. I love a good challenge and was raised with the importance of practicing and applying yourself daily to become good at something.

Erin hanson artist

It was a popular one. I love the Canadian impressionists The Group of Seven. I get my daily inspiration directly from nature, however. The beauty of an early dawn illuminating a National Park, quiet and calm in the off-season, is one of my favorite inspirations. I also love painting California wine country and rugged coastal landscapes.

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She has been one of my favorite artists for a few years. I grew up in a family of readers my parents had a policy of no television , and I miss having the time to lay on the couch reading for hours late into the night. Her success is deserved and her achievement is there for all to enjoy. Erin Hansen has found solutions to a few problems, for instance, there are no dead spaces between objects. Me gusta la obra y el estilo de hanson, Creo que hace lo que quiere. Very good Daniele! Always looking for ways to push herself artistically and challenge the way she thinks about color and composition, she knows that result that comes out will be amazing. Good grief. Often referred to as an Impressionist, Erin Hanson designates the nature as her greater influence. I have admired her paintings for a few years now! There is also Fields of Blooms , the largest single canvas she has painted in oil. Wikipedia article.

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Erin Hanson United States of America As always so informative love her palette Reply. I am inspired by the shifting light and colors during the golden hours, the abstract shapes of unique tree formations, and glorious skies bursting with color. Someone will take apart an artist for whatever reason they can dream up. Un primer plano. Visit our Artists page , browse our paintings , and sign up to receive email updates about new artworks and events. I love to listen to audio books which I always do while painting , and I love hiking and exploring National Parks. I will keep painting every day because of people like Erin Hansen. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. How similar the views were to landscapes in some parts of my own country. As an iconic, driving force in the rebirth of contemporary impressionism, Hanson is quickly recognized as a prolific, modern master. She has been one of my favorite artists for a few years. Thank you for sharing your time and experience with us. What a mean spirited comment to make sir.

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