envy fullmetal alchemist

Envy fullmetal alchemist

In the hit anime series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhoodviewers are transported to a world of steampunk technology, fantasy alchemy powers, and all kind of deep philosophy about the true nature of humanity. This series explores the greatest virtues and courage of envy fullmetal alchemist human race, as well as its darkest ambitions and cruelty, all in one package.

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Envy fullmetal alchemist

Envy has the ability to shapeshift. This ability can be used to assume the form of any existing person or original personas that Envy himself creates. He can even modify his own voice to directly copy others. Being a homunculus, Envy technically has no Gender. Although he is capable of taking the form of both male and female people, he himself is referred as a male. Envy, who exists only to make humans suffer, bears more bitter resentment for humans than any other homunculus, and negatively treats with humans in the most personal and heartfelt manner. His hatred for humans has an immense emotional and personal foundation greater than any of his siblings'. Envy can easily be set off by insults due to his large and delicate ego, thus causing him to make mistakes. Envy is one of the two Homunculi who possesses "true forms" physical incarnations of his traits and personality that take form when his Stones are almost completely depleted. The other homunculus with a true form is Pride. Envy usually appears as a pale-skinned androgynous teenage young man with a lean, muscular build. Envy has long, wispy hair, violet eyes with slit-like pupils, and wears a black crop top, skort, elbow length fingerless gloves, stocking-like footwear that exposes the heels and toes, along with a matching headband with an alchemical, triangular symbol on it. Although already formidable in his human form, Envy can assume a much larger, chimeric shape with a serpentine body, multiple pairs of legs, long human-like hair, a dog-like head and six pupils in its left eye.

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This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Envy is also one of the two secondary antagonists alongside Lust of the live action adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist. Envy is a prominent member of the Seven Homunculi with the power to shape-shift, which they use to spy or to impersonate people, and a ruthless and malevolent sadist who enjoys tormenting humans.

Top 15 Epic Transformation Sequences in Anime. Horrible Writing or Amnesia? Top 15 Deadliest Anime Killers. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and the Contrapasso. Top 10 Crazy Anime Guys. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Edit Character Information. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. Details Clubs Pictures.

Envy fullmetal alchemist

Appearing in both the and series, he is one of the seven Homunculi that antagonises the Elric brothers throughout the franchise. A sadistic psychopath, Envy hates humanity with a passion and takes tremendous joy in human suffering and death. He especially loves using his shapeshifting ability to take on the forms of the loved ones of his victims just as he kills them, taking pleasure from his victims' final moments of shock and despair before murdering them.

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They also pick a young, cute preferred form , and their "outfit" choice looks like they bought it from Hot Topic. Didn't Think This Through : Envy seems to be under the impression that they can insult people as much as they want and said people will just sit there and cry about it. Had they not done that, Father likely would have won. Wrath Sloth Pride. Envy may not be as smart as some of the other homunculi, but is by no means an idiot. Talking Is a Free Action : Completely, utterly, and painfully averted. Envy also prefers to use their shapeshifting powers to appear 'young and cute', becoming easily enraged if called ugly. While Marcoh is an old man who uses his alchemy to fight the Homunculi and is quite good at it, Envy is a super strong Homunculus who uses brute force but is actually bad at fighting. While absent from the anime, the manga heavily implies that Envy took one of the coats issued to the soldiers in Ishval as a souvenir, a war they gleefully started by killing a child and lead to the eradication of the Ishvalans. Start a Wiki. How could you do it?

Envy has the ability to shapeshift. This ability can be used to assume the form of any existing person or original personas that Envy himself creates. He can even modify his own voice to directly copy others.

You didn't even hesitate to incinerate your best friend! Transformation Is a Free Action : Played straight. Envy's humanoid form is not their real one though, more of a second skin. First by taking the form of Hughes's wife, then Hughes himself, and then attempting to kill Riza. Envy is the third Homunculus to die permanently though by his own hand in the manga and the anime. Basically a homunculus variant. Overall, Envy gloated about having enjoyed committing the deed with great zest. Envy is a vicious bully, and he loves to torment others in all kinds of ways. I ravaged their entire country with a single bullet! However, seeing Envy's Philosopher's Stone at his core, Edward placates the monstrous Envy, allowing him to use his Philosopher's Stone to open Gluttony's fake Gate of Truth and pass through the true doors back to the real world. Flaming Devil : Although a minion and offspring of Father, who is an example of the Satanic Archetype , Envy is the most effeminate and flamboyant of the homunculi, having an androgynous appearance, flamboyant mannerisms, is rather vain about their appearance, and wears rather feminine clothes.

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