encino man

Encino man

When they find a frozen caveman in their back yard, two high school outcasts thaw him and introduce encino man to modern life while he in turn gets them to actually enjoy life. Stoney : If you're edged 'cause I'm weazin all your grindage, encino man, just chill. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Sign In. Edit Encino Man Dave Morgan Brendan Fraser Link Pauly Shore Stoney Brown Megan Ward Robyn Sweeney Robin Tunney

Encino man

Encino Man known as California Man in several territories [5] is a American comedy film directed by Les Mayfield in his directorial debut. During the first ice age , a caveman attempts to make fire with his cavewoman girlfriend. An earthquake causes a cave-in that buries the two of them. In , an earthquake awakens Dave Morgan, an Encino teenager who strives to attain popularity in high school , but unlike his popular friend, Stoney Brown, is unsuccessful. Dave is in love with Robyn Sweeney, who was his best friend in grade school and had been rejected by him several times prior. Her boyfriend, Matt Wilson, is a jock who constantly humiliates Dave and Stoney, usually due to Dave's affection toward Robyn. One day, while digging a pool in his backyard, Dave discovers the caveman, who is frozen in a gigantic block of ice. He leaves the ice block unattended in the garage before leaving for school the next morning, and space heaters left on cause the ice to melt, releasing the caveman. When Dave returns home with Stoney, they find hand paint covering the walls and the house in disarray. A beeping smoke alarm leads them to Dave's bedroom, where they discover the caveman attempting to start a fire. At first, he panics upon seeing them and hearing a telephone, but Stoney uses the flame of a lighter to mesmerize and calm him. After bathing and trimming him, Dave names him Link. Dave and Stoney manage to get Link some clothes and fool Dave's parents and sister into thinking he is an Estonian exchange student sent to live with them.

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Sign In. Edit Encino Man Dave Morgan Brendan Fraser Link Pauly Shore Stoney Brown Megan Ward Robyn Sweeney Robin Tunney

Encino man

Encino Man known as California Man in several territories [5] is a American comedy film directed by Les Mayfield in his directorial debut. During the first ice age , a caveman attempts to make fire with his cavewoman girlfriend. An earthquake causes a cave-in that buries the two of them. In , an earthquake awakens Dave Morgan, an Encino teenager who strives to attain popularity in high school , but unlike his popular friend, Stoney Brown, is unsuccessful. Dave is in love with Robyn Sweeney, who was his best friend in grade school and had been rejected by him several times prior. Her boyfriend, Matt Wilson, is a jock who constantly humiliates Dave and Stoney, usually due to Dave's affection toward Robyn. One day, while digging a pool in his backyard, Dave discovers the caveman, who is frozen in a gigantic block of ice.

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Encino Man known as California Man in several territories [5] is a American comedy film directed by Les Mayfield in his directorial debut. When Dave returns home with Stoney, they find hand paint covering the walls and the house in disarray. Learn more. Mariette Hartley Mrs. Hockey player uncredited Johnny Raimondo Phil Dalton James May 26, Matt starts a fight with Link at a skating rink and becomes more enraged after Robyn leaves him. David Marshall California Man. See the gallery. Science Teacher Peter Allas

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Matt Patrick Van Horn Pauly Shore Stoney Brown. Hockey player uncredited Johnny Raimondo Mountain Nug uncredited Mark David Soon, Stoney's eccentric attitude influences Link's own mannerisms, which causes a rift between Dave and Stoney. Fraser also briefly appears as a soldier with the name "Link" on his fatigues in In the Army Now starring Shore. Retrieved March 14, Share this page:. Walcott III Famous Mothers and Their Famous Children. During the first ice age , a caveman attempts to make fire with his cavewoman girlfriend. Link Pauly Shore Michael Kelly Eric A. Storyline Edit. Los Angeles Times.

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