Elgin pocket watch serial number
Elgin National Watch Company. In the spring of half a dozen ambitious Chicago businessmen decided that if Massachusetts could build a factory that built watches — Illinois could, too, elgin pocket watch serial number. Raymond, purchased an abandoned farm 30 miles north of Chicago and built a watch factory there. Elgin engineers built their own Observatory to maintain scientifically precise times in their watches.
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Elgin pocket watch serial number
The Elgin Watch Company also known as the Elgin National Watch Company was the largest American watch manufacturer in terms of total production volume. In fact, Elgin produced approximately one-half of the total number of better-quality pocket watches manufactured in the United States. This makes Elgin one of the most commonly collected vintage watches since there are still so many examples available at reasonable prices. The Elgin National Watch Company was founded in in Elgin, Illinois as the National Watch Company, and some of the organizers were later to become the some of the biggest names in the American watch industry: J. Adams, P. Bartlett, D. Currier, Otis Hoyt, and Charles H. Mason, with financial backing from former Chicago Mayor Benjamin W. The factory for the National watch company was completed in , and the first movement produced was an size B. In , the company officially changed their name to the Elgin National Watch Company, and that name remained until they stopped producing watches in the 's. The Elgin Watch Company's success was not built on its production of the highest-grade watches, though some of their higher grades were top-quality, exquisitely made timepieces. Their success can be attributed to their huge production of low to mid-grade watches Together with the Waltham Watch Company, they dominated the huge market for mid-grade watches, producing over one-million per year during their peak years of production.
The clock tower at the Elgin National Watch Company. In fact, Elgin produced approximately one-half of the total number of better-quality pocket watches manufactured in the United States. Crescent Watch Case Co.
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Elgin watch serial numbers can be used to determine an approximate date of manufacture, and other information. The date is not exact because plates were often made, with numbers, and stockpiled for later use, sometimes years later. But a general idea is available. Note that the serial number this information refers to is the number appearing on the movement itself, on the works of the watch, on the inside. Numbers on any part of the case refer to the case and not the Elgin watch movement. Check here for information on how to open a pocketwatch case, to access the movement number. If your serial number begins with a number, it is a later model. More on that here. The first Elgin pocketwatch was an 18 size movement given the number , made in
Elgin pocket watch serial number
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Watch Co. Boss Brooklyn Watch Case Co. Roy Watch Case Co. American Watch Case Co. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Rock Island Smith D. Much of this assembly work was done at a new Elgin plant in Elgin, South Carolina. Join Now. Watches Quick Filter. Keystone Knickerbocker L. Howard Watch Co. Don't have an account?
The first Elgin watch a pocket watch dates to The last Elgin movement made in America was produced in In between, pinning an individual Elgin down to a specific year and model can be a bit of a chore.
Admired Remove Admire. Independent Ingersoll International J. When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. The factory for the National watch company was completed in , and the first movement produced was an size B. During the last few years that Elgin was in business late 50's through mid's , they began to reduce their US production and began importing Swiss watch movements which were finished and labeled as Elgin watches. Please contact us if you have any questions about the repair of your Elgin watch. Stevens J. Elgin is a nice, very respectable old pocket watch brand. The Elgin Watch Company's success was not built on its production of the highest-grade watches, though some of their higher grades were top-quality, exquisitely made timepieces. Allison J. Solidarity Watch Case Co. Keystone Knickerbocker L. Marion, NJ U.
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