Elecciones municipales 2023 premia de mar

Fueron proclamadas 24 candidaturas. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar.

Light p. Right to the City — Article II. Duty of Solidarity — Article VI. Principle of Subsidiarity. Right to Information.

Elecciones municipales 2023 premia de mar

Show simple item record. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Show simple item record Equality without equity: the gender pay gap at the National University of Colombia dc. Apart from rules concerning maternity and paternity leaves, which follow national Colombian legislation, the Academic Personal Statute is completely free of gender-based norms. Salaries are assigned through a points system that considers training level, productivity, and academic rank. With this in mind, one might expect to find egalitarian male and female salary conditions free of the gender-related gaps existing in other, more arbitrary private work environments. In this article, we present the results of a variance decomposition analysis of the gross salaries of all full-time professors and report the existence of an unadjusted gender pay gap of 0. Partial correlations between these gaps and the different factors that come into play are examined and analyzed. It seems plausible that the crucial need for time to dedicate to research opens the window to the patriarchal society to permeate the otherwise egalitarian salary regime of the University, especially for the highest range of salaries corresponding mainly to male full professors who are very active in research. Lo anterior sin perjuicio de los derechos morales que corresponden a los autores. Login Register.

IPMO Issuu converts static files into: digital portfoliosonline yearbooksonline catalogsdigital photo albums and more. Humanista-Los Verdes Ecologistas.

Catalunya : Eleccions Municipals. Vox 1, Vox 5, CD 1, CP 9, AP 5, PP 6,

Inici Directes. Cercar Cerca. Resultats Resultats Taula amb tots els resultats. Regidors electes. Els resultats.

Elecciones municipales 2023 premia de mar


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Torino CP Palermo Partido Popular 3. They are therefore convinced of the necessity of a European Charter for the Safeguarding of Human Rights in the City, which expresses formally, and clearly those rights and civil liberties to which all citizens are entitled and which in addition makes known the obligation of the city administration to guarantee those rights according to its powers within the national legal framework. Unitat Municipal 9 St. PSC-CP 23, Where necessary, a municipal arbitration body will be set up, either elected by the public or established by the municipal authorities. Valents 0,99 TxT 0, ERC-AM 3. V - Deber de solidaridad 1. Consultado el 13 de mayo de CUP PA. The cities contribute to social integration and to multi-culture by making available to everyone without distinction public spaces, as well as spaces in further education establishments, schools and cultural centres.


Comunistes Catalunya. Lyon Pineda de Mar PSC-PM 2. Reus Muntanyola The citizens in various city districts or their associations can voice their opinions over which measures they consider necessary to help realize these rights. Fueron proclamadas 24 candidaturas. Socialista d'Alliberament Nacional. PP 6, Consultado el 13 de mayo de Right to Harmonious City Development 1.

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