Eilive surf
Pretty much unrideable!
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Eilive surf
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Pretty much unrideable! A good time to get other things done. Might not be worth the time or effort but there could be a few okay waves. Better than the average day. Worth paddling out depending on the surface conditions. Paddle out if you can. One of the better days of the year. Quitting work or skipping school is an option but not encouraged. Why are you still reading the report!
Eilive surf
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Soundside Public Access. Safe Kids. Public Accesses. Pretty much unrideable! Oceanside Public Accesses with Sand Pathways. Don't kill the messenger. Junior First Responder Camp. Billing Questions. Emerald Isle St. Today's Surf Report Fun Factor. What's This?
Specialized Fitness. Station Weather Links. Oceanside Public Accesses with Sand Pathways. Junior First Responder Camp. Arrow Left Arrow Right. Fire-EMS departments to unify. Don't kill the messenger. Please read the report description for a better explanation of all factors regarding the waves. Quitting work or skipping school is an option but not encouraged. Beach Equipment Application.
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