effie hunger games actress

Effie hunger games actress

Birthday February 10, 50 years old. Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US Login to edit. Keyboard Shortcuts.

Effie Trinket : [gasps] That is mahogany! Katniss Everdeen : I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute! Effie Trinket : [pause] Uh I believe we have a volunteer.

Effie hunger games actress

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play clip Elizabeth Banks Career Retrospective. Elizabeth describes herself as having been seen as a "goody two-shoes" in her youth who was nominated for the local Harvest Queen. Banks left home to attend college at the University of Pennsylvania--from which she graduated Magna cum Laude--and went on to attend the Advanced Training Program at the prestigious American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, graduating in She then moved to New York and worked in the theater, and began getting small roles in films and on television. Seeking more screen work, she moved to Los Angeles and was soon cast in supporting roles. She also had to change her last name, to Banks, in order to avoid confusion with actress Elizabeth Mitchell. Her breakthrough role was as Betty Brant, the secretary of the cantankerous newspaper tycoon in Sam Raimi 's Spider-Man The winsome, beautiful Banks projected an exceptionally charming screen presence that drew comparisons to Audrey Hepburn , and Hollywood eventually began to take notice, Banks being cast in the lead in such films as Kevin Smith 's Zack and Miri Make a Porno and in Oliver Stone 's biopic of George W. Bush , W.

For other people named Elizabeth Banks, see Elizabeth Banks disambiguation. Settings Enable Keyboard Shortcuts.

Elizabeth Banks started her career in the s with a small soap opera role and has since become a master of hats as both an actress and filmmaker. The actress has recently returned to the director's chair for the upcoming outrageous comedy, Cocaine Bear starring Ray Liotta and Keri Russell. Joy is an all-American housewife in the s who is overjoyed when she becomes pregnant with her second child, but her happiness is cruelly extinguished when the pregnancy becomes a threat to her own life. With no other options available to her, Joy comes across the Janes, an underground network of women who risk providing women with abortions. Banks brilliantly portrays her character's devastating conflict while also highlighting the extreme physical and emotional lengths women were forced to endure. Watch on Hulu. As punishment for a failed revolt, each of Panem's 12 districts must select two tributes, a boy and a girl, to fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games.

Sign In. Edit The Hunger Games Directed by Gary Ross Caesar Flickerman Wes Bentley Seneca Crane Jennifer Lawrence Katniss Everdeen Willow Shields Primrose Everdeen Liam Hemsworth Gale Hawthorne Elizabeth Banks Effie Trinket Sandra Ellis Lafferty Katniss' Mother Rhoda Griffis

Effie hunger games actress

Birthday February 10, 50 years old. Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US Login to edit. Keyboard Shortcuts. Login to report an issue. Elizabeth Banks born February 10, is an American actress, producer and director. She went on to direct, write, produce, and star in the action comedy film Charlie's Angels

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March 26, Go to your list. Tools Tools. Archived from the original on June 30, Comedy Bang! The Most Hated Woman in America 6. Signal Hill Mary Neiswender Post-production. Just a Little Heart Attack as Woman. Keyboard Shortcuts. Face of the Future Award. Login to edit. June 8, May 8, Panem The Capitol Academy University. Upcoming 9.

Despite appearing as an eclectic individual who could pass off as another brainwashed soul from District 1, this is far from the truth. Effie is known for her wild fashion taste and for her genuine emotional depth and growth across the series. She is the escort for District 12 and the person who actually initially calls Prim and Peeta's names in the drawing.

Retrieved April 17, Authority control databases. Settings Enable Keyboard Shortcuts. The Hunger Games Wiki Explore. Elizabeth describes herself as having been seen as a "goody two-shoes" in her youth who was nominated for the local Harvest Queen. Signal Hill Mary Neiswender Post-production. Indianapolis Business Journal. Release Date November 22, Retrieved January 30, Call Jane 6. Women's Health.

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