effects of the great depression quizlet

Effects of the great depression quizlet

In this famous photograph by Dorothea Lange, a destitute, thirty-two-year-old mother of seven captures the effects of the great depression quizlet of the Great Depression. Library of Congress. Please click here to improve this chapter. Hard times had hit the United States before, but never had an economic crisis lasted so long or inflicted as much harm as the slump that followed the crash.

Over , businesses shut down between and , contributing to the rise of unemployment. Some had borrowed money to keep going before the crash and could not afford to pay back their loans. Others had been hit by falling demand for goods as people had started to spend less money, especially on goods they did not consider to be essential. Most of the people who initially lost their jobs worked in the older industries, such as coal mining, textiles and steel production. By , other industries, such as banking, domestic services and teaching, were also affected. Unemployment rates were high among unskilled workers , women and African Americans , who were more likely to lose their jobs first because of discrimination.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


For American farmers, meanwhile, hard times began long before the markets crashed. On July 1,Roosevelt, the newly designated presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, delivered the first and one of the most famous on-site acceptance speeches in American presidential history. Roosevelt immediately looked to stabilize the collapsing banking system.


The Great Depression of devastated the U. A third of all banks failed. Housing prices plummeted, international trade collapsed, and deflation soared. It took 25 years for the stock market to recover. While the Great Depression took a huge toll on the U. For example, the New Deal programs installed safeguards to make it less likely that the Depression could happen again. Overall, the Great Depression had a tremendous impact on nine principal areas of the U.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


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To do so openly would provoke southern Democrats and put his New Deal coalition——the uneasy alliance of national liberals, urban laborers, farm workers, and southern whites—at risk. In this guide. Women, too, failed to receive the full benefits of New Deal programs. In the following extracts from two of his most famous speeches, Long outlines his political program. Amid the economic indignities of the Great Depression, Huey P. Major New Deal programs were designed with the South in mind. The Okies, as such westward migrants were disparagingly called by their new neighbors, were the most visible group who were on the move during the Depression, lured by news and rumors of jobs in far-flung regions of the country. Concerned with what immediate payment would do to the federal budget, Hoover opposed the bill, which was eventually voted down by the Senate. The government relied on landowners and local organizations to distribute money fairly to those most affected by production limits, but many owners simply kicked tenants and croppers off their land, kept the subsidy checks for keeping those acres fallow, and reinvested the profits in mechanical farming equipment that further suppressed the demand for labor. Farmers had already been struggling before the Great Depression. It included a nearly five-billion dollar appropriation that in established the Works Progress Administration WPA , a permanent version of the CWA, which would ultimately employ millions of Americans on public works projects.


In the South, where African Americans had long suffered unequal pay, the new codes simply perpetuated that inequality. Crowds of people gather outside the New York Stock Exchange following the crash of But, in such a labor crisis, many employers, subscribing to traditional notions of male bread-winning, were less likely to hire married women and more likely to dismiss those they already employed. Instead of making farming profitable again, the AAA pushed landless southern farmworkers off the land. Because it affected millions of people, it became known as the Great Depression. Across the country, banks denied loans and called in debts. He spent the months between his election and inauguration—the twentieth amendment, ratified in , would subsequently move the inauguration from March 4 to January 20—traveling, planning, and assembling a team of advisors, the famous Brain Trust of academics and experts, to help him formulate a plan of attack. Exclusionary measures hit Mexican immigrants particularly hard. Southern industrial practices attracted much attention. Such bank runs were not uncommon in the s, but in , with the economy worsening and panic from the crash accelerating, 1, banks failed. Concerned with what immediate payment would do to the federal budget, Hoover opposed the bill, which was eventually voted down by the Senate. Other countries responded in kind, tariff walls rose across the globe, and international trade ground to a halt. Fear-stricken observers went to their own banks and demanded their deposits.

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