

This quiz reveals if you are the disguised recovery account, the proud pro-ana, the edtwt freak, or else. Unlike popular belief, edtwt, EDTWT does not function like a fandom for eating disorders—and is not a place to humiliate the obese, edtwt. Comprised of 20 controversial questions, edtwt, the EDTWT quiz is a personality test to edtwt the type of community member you are. We are aware that eating disorders are serious conditions.

This site is made by just two indie developers on a laptop doing marketing, support and development! Read more about the story. Become Premium. Too expensive? Thank you for your support! Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about edtwt. Most recents


Edtwt is an abbreviation for "eating disorder Twitter," which refers to a community of Twitter users that have experienced or are currently experiencing eating disorders EDs. It is a controversial space on Twitter, with many accusing it of glorifying EDs and worsening users' conditions. Many edtwt users seek advice to combat their EDs, while others seek encouragement to continue pursuing their unhealthy and obsessive lifestyles. If you peruse edtwt, you will likely encounter images and memes related to users' EDs. You will also likely encounter the following terms:. Twitter is not the only place you will find an online community of users struggling with EDs. This page explains what the abbreviation "edtwt" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know! Edtwt An eating disorder community on Twitter.

The voice still appears from time to time, edtwt, in times when I am feeling a edtwt vunerable or anxious, edtwt. Just absolutely demolished fish and chips for tea One of the best things about recovery is saying sod it, I don't fancy what was on our meal plan, I can not be bothered to cook let's just edtwt a takeaway.


Note: This article contains extreme triggers for disordered eating and anorexia. In , when Lily was 16, she had a stan account for Blackpink and Red Velvet , two of the biggest K-pop girl groups at the time. Interviewees declined to provide surnames, to protect their privacy. Upon recognizing that she and Seulgi were the same height, she scoured the internet for diets and workouts Seulgi might have done. She immediately found a community of young people on Twitter, who seemed to be predominantly girls ages 15 to 19, with two shared passions: K-pop and thinness. There were also diet and workout tips purportedly followed by idols, and portion sizes snagged from their vlogs and Instagram photos. The posting and viewing of eating disorder content is intended to trigger users into engaging in disordered behaviors with the end goal of becoming skinnier, or to simply provide a forum for offloading obsessive thoughts about body image. Within a year of that first search, Lily had started a K-pop eating disorder Twitter or K-pop edtwt account of her own. According to several people who are familiar with it, K-pop eating disorder Twitter is a direct result of the Korean wave also known as the Hallyu wave of the last five or so years — the massive global rise in the popularity of South Korean cultural exports.


Eating disorders are surging at an alarming rate. Emergency room visits for adolescent girls struggling with conditions such as anorexia or bulimia doubled from to , according to the CDC. Meanwhile, discussions about eating disorders and self-harm on X, formerly Twitter, have quintupled. Scientists point to social media as the potential force driving this mental health crisis. In particular, online exposure to idealized body imagery and language can trigger negative self-comparisons, especially for young social media users whose identities and self-worth are still forming. Now, new research analyzes how social media group dynamics amplify behaviors harmful to mental health. The preprint has been submitted to a conference.

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Did I overeat? It has changed a lot, in order to create the most beautiful gift I could ever wish for. Just absolutely demolished fish and chips for tea One of the best things about recovery is saying sod it, I don't fancy what was on our meal plan, I can not be bothered to cook let's just have a takeaway. But as with all online platforms, Twitter is full of trolls who use EDTWT tags to insult or humiliate overweight individuals. Fat-phobic users are one of the main reasons EDTWT is sometimes conceived as a toxic community and is wrongfully compared with online simp communities. Tweet Share Email. I started the medication to regulate my hormones and my cycle, 5 months of different pills, just before we started IVF we found out we were pregnant. Que tu desconocimiento no desproteja a tus hijos: ahora ya sabes quienes son Ana y Mia.. So, fatphobia certainly is not allowed in the community. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I was told it wouldn't be possible to have children naturally, a massive blow. Picky Eater Test. Diet culture has reared its ugly head, I am being targeted by alll the 'post baby body' dieting ads. Disclaimer: These are things that worked for me so they might not be suitable for others but I still would like to share my personal experience. To constantly fight against that voice, the voice which controlled every element of my life for far too long.

She was there for the American Idol fandom, she says, but then one day, she noticed she was being followed by a thinspo account.

Quiz By Michele. ED related example- if I eat this extra snack I may gain weight I used this technique when I desperately wanted to.. Piss off. The voice still appears from time to time, in times when I am feeling a little vunerable or anxious. She believes that online quizzes can be more than fun—they can help you change your lifestyle for the better. How else could I view a situation. Whether you group them based on their views on recovery or their take on anorexia, these are the four main EDTWT user types:. Complete freedom to change plans last minute, complete freedom to have what I fancy insted of what I 'should'' have. Start Quiz. Do not use this as a diet if you do not have an ED. Alternative view, if I eat this extra snack it may aid my recovery and help me reach my goal.

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