dungannon nursery school

Dungannon nursery school

Please add your email address here to ensure that you receive important communications from Howard Primary school. As you view the pages you will gather some idea of what we are trying to achieve at Howard Primary School and Nursery, dungannon nursery school. At Howard Primary School we promote a positive attitude in children. We have high expectations in terms of academic standards and behaviour.

For September Admissions: If your child was born on or between 2 July and 1 July inclusive , they are the target age to apply for a pre-school place. If your child was born on or between 2 July and 1 July inclusive , they are in their pre pre-school year also referred to as underage pre-school. They may be eligible to apply for a place at a Nursery School or a Nursery Unit within a primary school, but only if funded places are still available after places have been allocated to target age children. Some Playgroups also run sessions for underage pre-school children. Check the Education Authority's website www.

Dungannon nursery school


If your child was born on or between 2 July and 1 July inclusivethey are in their pre pre-school year also referred to as underage pre-school. Dungannon nursery school Howard Primary School we promote a positive attitude in children.


Dungannon Nursery School is a preschool provider in the Dungannon area offering 52 full time places. This year Dungannon Nursery is celebrating 40 years of teaching and learning in the local community. The Nursery is set in a central position in the town of Dungannon. The purpose built school has two large playrooms, quiet rooms, a covered play area with sand house, climbing frame and ballpit. In the outdoor area there is a play house, mud kitchen, water wall, sand house, climbing frame and swing. The Nursery children engage in a variety of stimulating and challenging activities through their outdoor and indoor learning environments. A healthy mid morning snack and nutritious hot dinner are available daily. Following their Pre School year our children move on to their Primary Schools. These include Howard Primary, St. Patrick's Dungannon, St.

Dungannon nursery school

Any applications received after this date will be treated as late. For further information on admissions, please visit: www. Applications are made online on EA Connect - click on the link below to register as a parent user on EA Connect in advance of applications opening on 9th January EA Connect - Login eani. Admission Criteria for Dungannon Nursery will be published on 12th December -. Information about Dungannon Nursery School is available in our Prospectus. Please click on the link below. Online Applications.

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Useful Documents No documents provided. P McWilliams Principal. Thank you, your message has been sent. We had so much fun searching around Parkanaur forest on Tuesday! Please do not hesitate to telephone school to arrange an appointment. Is this your profile? P7 Titanic Workshop. All Categories. Send message Cancel. Print Dungannon Nursery School. Details regarding Nursery Admissions for can be found by clicking on the following link.

We all enjoyed dressing up in green and rainbows to celebrate St.

We have high expectations in terms of academic standards and behaviour. Details regarding Primary 1 Admission for can be found by clicking on the following link. Applying for a Pre-School Place. We hope you find it informative and interesting. Website by School Web Design Login. P1E Pancakes! P McWilliams Principal. If, after browsing, you would like to see how our school operates on a daily basis, we would be delighted to show you around. We had so much fun searching around Parkanaur forest on Tuesday! Messages News Galleries Upcoming Events. Latest Photographs. Useful Documents No documents provided. Access Keys: Skip to content access key S Home page access key 1 Site map access key 2 Access key details access key 0. Login to update your details.

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