düzenli fiillerin ikinci halleri

Düzenli fiillerin ikinci halleri

Simple PAST. Past Simple. Present Simple or Past Simple We to like to cook but we not to like to wash the dishes. Who to ring you up an hour ago?

Simple Past Tense be, have, do :. I was in Japan last year b. She had a headache yesterday. We did our homework last night. You played You didn't play Did you play? He,she,it played He didn't play Did he play? We played We didn't play Did we play?

Düzenli fiillerin ikinci halleri


Yesterday, Steven partied all night!! He didn't go to bed early last night. Present perfect continuous.


Bir de fiillerin 3. Bu zamanlar ile birlikte fiillerin 3. Bu fiillere İngilizcede regular verbs denir. Fiillerin 2. She had worked at that school until she got married.

Düzenli fiillerin ikinci halleri


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Words that express past. Olumsuz soru. Did I play? I, we , you , they , he, she it. Simple past, Form Simple past, be, have, do Affirmative Negative and interrogative Simple past , regular verbs Example: to walk, simple past Examples : Simple past , irregular verbs Examples. Simple Past Simple Past. There to be afirmative , nagative and interrogative. We played We didn't play Did we play? Simple PAST. When I am dirty, I am white. One of her brothers to make a tour of Europe last summer. She has just read the book. I didn't play. You played.


My parents came to visit me last July. She got up. He,she,it played He didn't play Did he play? They television yesterday evening. Was I? I didn't play. We didn't play. You play You didn't play Did you play? I, we , you , they , he, she it. Past Simple. Past tense of irregular verbs. The simple past is used to express past actions. She finished her work at eight o'clock.

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