druze wikipedia

Druze wikipedia

Druze in Syria is a significant minority religion.

There are estimated to be 1. Wadi al-Taym is generally considered the "birthplace of the Druze faith". The Druze faith does not follow the Five Pillars of Islam , such as fasting during the month of Ramadan , and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. When Druze live among people of other religions, they try to blend in, in order to protect their religion and their own safety. They can pray as Muslims, or as Christians, depending on where they are.

Druze wikipedia

It is estimated that there are more than 1 million Druzes in the world today, and most of them live in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Lebanon and Syria. There are some smaller Druze communities around the world. It is believed that the origin of Druze comes from Fatimid dynasty in Egypt in the 11th century. The sixth caliph of Fatimid dynasty, al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, played an important role to elaborate the Druze doctrine. In Druze manuscript, he is regarded as the founder of Druze. At that time, al-Hakim attempted to spread the belief of Druze. In , al-Hakim designated Hamza as an imam, and Hamza especially contributed to elaborate the Druze doctrine and to spread the belief by sending missionaries. He offered his service to al-Hakim and was recruited as a missionary. In , al-Hakim disappeared suddenly during his trip to the east Cairo for reasons unknown. Druze gradually fell into decline in Egypt, but in Syria and Lebanon the belivers remained because of the effort by the missionaries. In , the Druze doctrine prohibited its believers from believing other religion and outsiders from becoming a new member of Druze. Since then, Druze has been the closed community and has kept the policy until now. The term Druze was given to the community by outsiders. Therefore, the term never used in the Druze manuscripts and the members reject using it. Instead, the Druzes call themselves Muwwahhidun, meaning 'Unitarians'.

Women also have the chance to become the initiated. Hamza and Al Hakim [5].

In , there were , Druze people living within Israel and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights , comprising 1. Alongside the Jewish majority and the Circassian minority , the Druze minority is required by law to serve in the Israel Defense Forces , and members of the community have also attained top positions in Israeli politics and public service. As is the case for the Circassian community, only men from the community are drafted, while women are exempted; in contrast with Jews, for whom military service is also mandatory for women. Before the Israeli Declaration of Independence , Druze people were not recognized as a religious community, and were discriminated against by the local judicial system. The Druze religion branched off from the religion of Islam, and is now considered its own religion separate from Islam.

It is estimated that there are more than 1 million Druzes in the world today, and most of them live in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Lebanon and Syria. There are some smaller Druze communities around the world. It is believed that the origin of Druze comes from Fatimid dynasty in Egypt in the 11th century. The sixth caliph of Fatimid dynasty, al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, played an important role to elaborate the Druze doctrine. In Druze manuscript, he is regarded as the founder of Druze. At that time, al-Hakim attempted to spread the belief of Druze. In , al-Hakim designated Hamza as an imam, and Hamza especially contributed to elaborate the Druze doctrine and to spread the belief by sending missionaries. He offered his service to al-Hakim and was recruited as a missionary. In , al-Hakim disappeared suddenly during his trip to the east Cairo for reasons unknown.

Druze wikipedia

Like a number of other ethnic groups in the Middle East, such as the Kurds, the Druze live in several different countries, separated by borders drawn after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire in the early s. But unlike the Kurds, who are largely Muslim, the Druze are a unique religious and ethnic group. Their tradition dates back to the 11th century and incorporates elements of Islam, Hinduism and even classical Greek philosophy. Today, 1 million-plus members of this community live primarily in Syria and Lebanon and, to a lesser extent, in Israel and Jordan. In Israel, the Druze are a close-knit community active in public life, according to a new Pew Research Center study of Israel. Roughly two-thirds say they have a special responsibility to take care of Druze in need around the world. Since just after its founding in the 11th century, the Druze tradition has been officially closed off to outsiders and proselytism has been prohibited. Since that ban, the Druze population has continued to exist solely based on the continuation of its previous generations.

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This attitude led to disputes between Ad-Darazi and Hamza ibn Ali, who disliked his behavior and his arrogance. Holy days Eid al-Adha Ziyara. But European intervention pressured the Turks to treat the Maronites more justly. Theologically, one would have to conclude that the Druze are not Muslims. Edward Elgar Publishing. Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life. June Rough Guides. Harik, Iliya Druze communities. Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements. This led the Ottoman government to agree to an arrangement whereby the different nahiyes districts of the Chouf would be granted in iltizam "fiscal concession" to one of the region's amirs , or leading chiefs, leaving the maintenance of law and order and the collection of taxes in the area in the hands of the appointed amir. Christian doctrines include the beliefs that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit , was born of a virgin named Mary , performed miracles , founded the Christian Church, died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to achieve atonement for sin , rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven , from where he will return.

Lecturer in population, medical and evolutionary genomics, University of Sheffield. For 1, years, the mysterious origin of the Druze people — who live almost exclusively in the mountains of Syria, Lebanon and Israel — has captivated linguists, historians, and sociologists.

Battle of Ain Dara Druze Revolt. During three days, though they enacted a replay of the plunder, looting homes and desecrating synagogues — but no deaths were reported. Coptic Christian Children wearing traditional circumcision costumes left and Preparing for a ritual circumcision to a Druze child right. Archived from the original on 21 July This propaganda also was broadcast in the Arab world, mainly Egypt. Battle of Ain Dara Druze Revolt. Al-Muwahhidun - Ahl at-Tawhid. They embraced Monophysite Christianity , like many Bakrites, before the advent of Islam in the s—s. Tools Tools. Jesus himself identifies John as " Elijah who is to come", [] which is a direct reference to the Book of Malachi Malachi , [] that has been confirmed by the angel who announced John's birth to his father, Zechariah. By one estimate made by Elisabe Granli from University of Oslo , around 1, Syrian Druze converted to Christianity ; [] according to the same study, Christians with a Druze background Druze converts to Christianity still regard themselves as Druze , [] and claim that there is no contradiction between being Druze and being Christian. The Druzes in the Jewish state: a brief history. This is done in order to keep the religion from those who are not yet prepared to accept the teachings and therefore could misunderstand it, as well as to protect the community when it is in danger.

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