

Nic nie znaleziono. Spróbuj zmienić swoje zapytanie. Oto lista 14 bezpłatnych i płatnych alternatyw dla Drawception. Główni konkurenci obejmują LetsDraw, drawception.

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Drawception was created on March 26th, In five years, the 1,,th game would be completed. Drawception quickly gained traction and became an unexpected success. The early design and site features were heavily in development throughout April. The game started with only 12 players and then the option to have up to 18 players were added. The color palette and brush sizes were tweaked. Users were also able to start up to three games with their own prompts. Every game started with a prompt and ended with a drawing.


On April 1st, , following a long period of server instability, the Stage site created for testing new servers was reopened under the name Testception. Just like the previous iteration of Stage, users created new and temporary accounts to play on the site with, and all panels and forum posts made on it were not saved to the main site. Testception was more thoroughly archived on the Wayback Machine compared to the previous iteration. Testception shut down on July 31st, Regarding this, Reed soon posted a message in the admin channel [1] on the official Drawception Discord server saying that he has " been really focused on work, and not sure when [he'll] get back to fixing the remaining issues with the updated site " and that he " might have to look for a dev to finish it. On April 1st, , a server move was announced [3] , in order to counteract recent server issues, including slower load times, drawings not loading and panel reporting not working. Starting from December , users were restrained from playing Drawception, and accounts weren't able to be created.

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Here's how it works: the website shows you a phrase to draw or a picture to describe in a limited number of characters. Your response becomes part of a chain and when 12 people have drawn or described, the chain is complete and you can see where your contribution sits and just how much it deviated from the originator's intentions.

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