Drake software sales

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We have data on companies that use Drake Software. The companies using Drake Software are most often found in United States and in the Accounting industry. Drake Software is most often used by companies with employees and 1MM dollars in revenue. Our data for Drake Software usage goes back as far as 3 years and 4 months. We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15, technology products, including Financial Management. By scanning billions of public documents, we are able to collect deep insights on every company, with over data fields per company at an average.

Drake software sales

Already a customer? Sign In. Which platform do you need for Drake Software? We've got you covered! No matter where you need or want to use Drake, we bring the latest technology to your tax office. Join a live webinar for an introduction to Drake Tax. Learn how to prepare and e-file returns, manage your client workflow, and utilize time-saving integrations. More tools to complement your tax workflow. Drake Accounting. Drake Portals SecureFilePro provides secure file exchange for your practice, so you and your client can exchange tax documents securely and conveniently. Drake Portals. A hassle-free payment solution with low-cost options to meet the needs of both you and your client. Bank Products.

Drake software sales company profile, along with the corresponding competitor and industry data provided, includes thoroughly researched, reliable and current information that will help you to make faster, better business decisions.

Known for its commitment to innovation and customer success, the company has continued to expand product offerings, integrations, and customer service efforts—more than doubling its customers over the past decade. Now, Drake Software serves more than 70, tax professionals and processes more than 33 million tax returns each year. It operated on a cash-based accounting model where the revenue was recognized when the payment was made. However, in , when a private equity firm invested a majority stake in the company along with the founder, there was a huge impending shift — their finance team, led by CFO Jennifer Dills, had to reimagine their processes from the ground-up to be GAAP compliant. Switching from cash to an accrual-based accounting became table stakes in this transformation.

Tools to help you learn how to use Drake Tax Software. If you're considering Drake Tax as your tax preparation software, you may benefit from attending one of our Software Seminars. Our knowledgeable presenters give you an up-close look at Drake products and capabilities, and answer all your questions. Or visit Drake's booth at one of the many popular industry Trade Shows we'll be attending in Find a seminar near you Find Drake at a Trade Show. Quick Start Video Tutorial. And be sure to check out all our online videos. Several are also available in Spanish. For Sales or additional help, call us at or email Sales DrakeSoftware.

Drake software sales

Already a customer? Sign In. Which platform do you need for Drake Software?

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Share this report:. A suite of company and industry data that: Benchmarks companies against industry averages or like-sized segments, as well as close competitors Identifies real-world strengths, opportunites, weaknesses and threats Reveals growth opportunities or red flags in a business growth strategy LEARN MORE. Annual Turnover: x. How much is the cost? What's Inside Benchmarking Pro? Drake Portals. Some of the companies that use Drake Software include:. In the US, the company has a notable market share in at least one industry: Software Publishing, where they account for an estimated 0. We have data on companies that use Drake Software. Target Drake Software customers to accomplish your sales and marketing goals.

Drake Tax, our tax preparation software for tax professionals, is loaded with features to help you efficiently prepare and e-file individual and business returns so you can stay focused on the important stuff — serving your clients and building your practice.

Furthermore, we foresee our yearly audits taking days, not weeks, even with our complex revenue streams. Having an organization willing to go the distance to ensure we were taken care of at every step is invaluable," said Jennifer Dills, Chief Financial Officer, Drake Software. This company profile, along with the corresponding competitor and industry data provided, includes thoroughly researched, reliable and current information that will help you to make faster, better business decisions. We have experienced significant growth and cost savings with Chargebee RevRec. A hassle-free payment solution with low-cost options to meet the needs of both you and your client. What's Inside Benchmarking Pro? We have data on companies that use Drake Software. Army army. View Webinars Check out our products and pricing. Drake Software is a provider of Professional Tax Preparation software. And time was of the essence, too — they had to complete this switch and undergo an external audit within four months. We use the best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science to monitor the market share of over 15, technology products, including Financial Management. Opportunities and Threats focus on external influences, and are based on trends and demand in the Software Publishing in the US industry. Share this report:.

3 thoughts on “Drake software sales

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