Drag racing videos

Dragster jumping out of the gate. Drift sports car on the asphalt. Thick smoke from burning tires.

It has been a while since I combed YouTube for some vintage s drag racing video. My search the other day garnered the awesomeness below which features footage from places like Dover, Lebanon Valley, Indy, and others. It also features a raft of amazing and awesome cars. Frankly, it all just gets better from there. I love these old videos because of what they represent. It is like being a fly on the wall and peeking back into these fun moments in time.

Drag racing videos

Stock Media Video. Stock Footage. Animated Backgrounds. After Effects Templates. Premiere Pro Templates. DaVinci Resolve Templates. Apple Motion Templates. Royalty Free Music. Sound Effects. Green Screen. Slow Motion. Time Lapse.

Animated Backgrounds.


NHRA and IHRA Super Stock racing is a playground for the engine-building mad scientists that want to maximize a combination, wringing every last drop of performance possible out of their tightly-regulated class rules. The cornucopia of possible combos can make for some interesting racing, and this past weekend at National Trail Raceway the grounds were full of Super Stockers for the inaugural Auto Meter Northern Class Nationals, and included class eliminations, which pits all of the cars in specific categories in a heads-up, no breakout contest. Super Stock is the big angry brother to Stock Eliminator class racing. The rules in Super Stock are a bit more loose than Stock, but the premise is still similar in that factory shipping weight is divided by NHRA-factored horsepower ratings to arrive at the class each car competes in. The weapon of choice for the car field was the classic Chevy Nova, with a first generation Ford Mustang and a Malibu mixed in for good measure. Stephan Belanger won the event, ripping off a string of low second passes, and capping his weekend with a Build your own custom newsletter with the content you love from Dragzine, directly to your inbox, absolutely FREE! We will safeguard your e-mail and only send content you request.

Drag racing videos


Jinx chapter 40

Checkered Flag on Blue Sky. Starting lights at a drag race. Business and Professions. Car wheel on fire, seamless loop, white background. Started going there when I was 9 years old. Frankly, it all just gets better from there. Stock Footage. Drag racing car burns rubber off its tire. Race Car Burnout. Share This 0. Produced in 4K. Apple Motion Templates. Sound Effects.


Drag race car is burning tire before startline. Racing simulation on modern gaming computer. Use Cases. Great memories, so many familiar cars. Car wheel speed smoke, Luma Matte. Premiere Pro Templates. High quality FullHD footage. Car wheel on fire, seamless loop, white background. Car before the start driving in slow motion. Drag racing street tree light. Burning rubber and Smoking tire with a rotating Everybody wants to see who'll win the race. Starting lights at a drag race.

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