dr pain creepypasta

Dr pain creepypasta

I have always wondered what it would be like to stare evil eye-to-eye as equals.

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Dr pain creepypasta

Bio: Pain was born as a half demon and half human, his biologic father is zalgo. Pain was sent to orphanage when he was just two weeks old. After some weeks a family adopted him, and when liran grew up a little his family began to torture him physically and mentally. His adoptive mother was nice to him, unlike his adoptive father and his family, bullies in the school that were always beat him up. Only When liran was 13 years old he fought the bullies and almost kill them, which caused him to get into an institution, that was the first time he heard the demon inside of him. Where he finally met a real two friends, but one was out of the institution 2 months after the pain came, and one was killed by a bully. That was the second time he heard the demon, but unlike the last time he fought the bullies, this time liran killed the two bullies that killed his friend. When liran was 16 years old he was out of the institution, but his family except his adoptive mother, brother, and sister tried to kill him and accidentally killed his adoptive mother. That was the first and last time Liran saw pain cause it was too late, Liran's soul was destructed and pain took control over Liran's body. He killed his adoptive family except for two people his brother and his sister.

How does that not sicken you to your core? No one had heard of them before.

Welcome dear viewer curator wonder here! There has been some talk on the commander pain and we have officially decided to ban that character! There are many reason why and in this post i will list most of them! Before we head into this post, this post contains talks about N zis and world war 2 if you feel any discomfort in that topic do not read more! Just know that this character has been officially banned from this community. Now as for the character itself.

Experimentation has always been for the benefit of mankind, even if it has not always yielded such fruit. For every smallpox vaccine we create…we get an atomic bomb. The case is no different here. I, Dr. I worked on it for over ten years. I worked closely with many esteemed scientists…but none more so than Professor Stoker. The man was smart enough to equate circles around me, and I graduated Harvard at seventeen. Working with him was the highlight of my academic, professional, and personal lives! I would follow him to hell and back.

Dr pain creepypasta

Unlike regular doctors who try to save their patients' lives, Dr. Smiley welcomes death and seeks to help his "patients" embrace it. Operating outside of a dilapidated looking small building with chipped paint, shudders hanging by a small strip of wood and cardboard covering the windows, Dr. Smiley lures in sick people like a woman with anorexia or someone suffering from a condition causing their body to slowly break down off the street with the promise of free treatment. Once they are inside however, the patient is injected with an unknown bluish liquid before being strapped to a table. Smiley then waits for the victim to wake up before cutting into their body with a scalpel until they bleed to death, after which he removes one of their organs as a "specimen". Smiley is described as a young man with ghostly, pale skin, and shaggy black hair. He is usually described as wearing a button-up shirt; with a tie, latex surgical gloves, and a long white lab coat. He has incredibly sharp teeth and piercing, blood red eyes.

Snake coloring pages

We will NOT allow any profile pictures, post or any roleplay that includes this character! The smile fell from his face and a disappointed sneer replaced it. Only When liran was 13 years old he fought the bullies and almost kill them, which caused him to get into an institution, that was the first time he heard the demon inside of him. Get App. Bodies like prisons He really knew how to get under your skin. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Gossip is such an ugly thing, isn't it? That was fine with me. Of course he knew me. He checked her heart rate and pulse and made careful notes. He straightened his spectacles and stood. Amani did not respond. Amani ran faster than she thought an old woman was capable of running.

I stare at the corpse in the mirror. How desperately the dry, clay-colored skin clings to its skull. How narrow its tired eyes are, weighed down by the dark satchels hanging from them.

This character is a experimental doctor from world war 2 and has a lot of backstory behind him. But, the human body under conditions of mortal danger is capable of feats that are unimaginable to the calm man. Like That man did his homework. Creepypasta the Fighters Wiki Explore. Khawlah was never found, despite intensive efforts to track her down. The blood poured from him in streams, coating the floor with its red, sticky stain. We hope all of you cooperate with us and do not post or use this character for any use in this community and as said before do not hate on the creator of this character it is simply a fictional character that would have represented one of the doctors back in the day! She had escaped the clutches of madness, but her daughter was still firmly lodged in its jaws. Well, the first thing you should understand is the history of the Kurds, and the vile scum that they are I made repeated requests to the US government to interview Sayyid, which were all denied. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content.

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