douglas college

Douglas college

Apply here! You can find more information here! For in-person douglas college, please stay home if you are ill or experiencing symptoms prior to your visit. We aim to provide the most relevant and inspiring undergraduate experience in B, douglas college.

Admission requirements. Get to know how semesters work at Douglas College and see important dates that are relevant to you. Why choose Douglas. Bachelor's degrees. Associate degrees.

Douglas college

Douglas College is the largest public degree-granting college institution in British Columbia , Canada. Close to 17, credit students, 8, continuing education students and 4, international students are enrolled here. Douglas College offers bachelor's degrees and general university arts and science courses, as well as career programs in health care, human services, business and the creative arts. In , Kwantlen College split off from Douglas College. Douglas College's coat of arms was revealed to the public on January 21, The emblem was designed by Coast Salish artist Carrielynn Victor for the college's 50th anniversary. The emblem was the first to be completely designed by an Indigenous artist in Canada's history. The crowned heart in the middle of the emblem is a feature of coats of arms of the Douglas family, including the College's namesake Sir James Douglas, and a reference to the college's motto, "Do what you love". The crown on top of it is made of cedar, a wood material that is local to the area. There is a raven on top of the crest, meant to signify cleverness as the bird represents.



A member of the SI-Canada team will be in touch within 24 hours to arrange your initial consultation with one of our education experts. Douglas College, located in British Columbia, was founded in Douglas hosts more than degree programs and students are taught by over experienced teaching faculty to get a hands-on, real-world education experience. The College has a diploma and other limited enrolment programs that cover an extensive curriculum and require program-specific eligibility to be met. The Douglas College campus has numerous facilities such as a gym, a small box theatre, a coaching room, shipping and receiving services, a large seat proscenium theatre, a pleasing campus environment and nursing with a professional staff. Douglas offers English programs to those who need to improve their English ahead of study. Studying English as a second language at Douglas College will quickly prepare you to meet Douglas College admission requirements. Douglas College has many events, clubs and sports that allow you to connect with fellow students, get exercise and have fun.

Douglas college

Douglas College is the largest public degree-granting college institution in British Columbia , Canada. Close to 17, credit students, 8, continuing education students and 4, international students are enrolled here. Douglas College offers bachelor's degrees and general university arts and science courses, as well as career programs in health care, human services, business and the creative arts.

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Health Information Management. Contact child care. Training Group general inquiries. Accessibility plan. Assistive technology. Career and Employment Preparation Program. In other projects. Contractor information. Laurie Beckwith. Our Indigenous Student Services Centres offer a number of services, including: Culturally appropriate support services, activities, and events in the college and community One-on-one support with the Indigenous Student Advisor Assistance for future students while serving as advocates for current students Student assistants, who are peer mentors available for additional support Support for transition into the workforce Our centres also provide services for all students, including: A quiet place for studying, reading, writing or taking a break A place to meet, connect and make friends Computer, Internet and telephone access Information on Indigenous history and culture Who can identify as Indigenous? Connect with international students. Kathy Denton [3]. Dean's message. Assessment services FAQ.

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Compass Card FAQ. International students admission events. Themed Sections of Literature and Academic Writing. International transfer students. Career Development Practice Advanced Certificate. Leonard Angel. Past Projects. Private music lessons. Mathematics and Science Teaching Faculty. Doula Training Program. Co-operative education FAQ. Why Douglas? Starting Your Own Business. English upgrading placement information. Social Work Faculty.

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